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Kava and the midwest


Kava Curious
I'm curious as to how popular kava actually is with my fellow mid westerners. I ask people about it and nobody has ever really heard about it, let alone tried it. I really wish there was a market for it here considering how sociable i become after a few shells. Some people to share with would be fantastic.


Kava Enthusiast
I've lived in a few different parts of the US, and I've never noticed people to be more or less aware of it. The amount of kava bars seems to be the biggest factor for kava awareness. Usually when i meet someone who knows about it, it's because they have a friend that drinks it. I've also gotten most of my friends to try it at least once. At first they were really skeptical and seemed to think it was a designer drug of some sort, but after bringing an aluball to couple social events, some eventually came around to giving it a shot.


I'll have the pyrones with some pepper, please.
That's why I bring it with me wherever I can, I know that absolutely no one knows what the hell kava is. I think most people think it's some kind of protein shake. The ones that do know what it is - it's because I explained it to them . . . And they all think I'm crazy, which is fine because I kinda am. The way I look at it is - more for me, I don't have to share.


Kava Curious
Indiana here. We just hosted a Fijian chief over the weekend and they did a full ceremony, so I bet more people in Indy are familiar now than before.
I frequently share pictures of kocktails on my social media so at least I've gotten a few people interested.


I'm in Iowa, and as far as my experience, kava isn't a thing. But my gut tells me it sure could be. I've always thought a kava bar would work anywheree if properly promoted/run. Especially in a place like Iowa where there wouldn't be ANY competition in terms of the product being served. There's no options like that anywhere even close to around here. It would be a fantastic alternative to alcohol bars and that general atmosphere.

Jeff Silvers

Kava Curious
I'm a newbie from South Central Wisconsin and I'm the only one around here that I know of that has ever heard of it. The only reason I learned about it is because my wife and I go to Hawaii every year.


Kava Curious
I also have never heard of anyone trying kava, I got my one friend to really enjoy it, however, his budget doesn't allow for him to do it very often. I just found today that my brother in law has tried the kava tea that you can buy in stores :( , wish he had the real stuff. Im going to introduce him to it soon though. He tends to suffer from anxiety and I believe it would greatly help him.


Certified Quack
Indiana here. We just hosted a Fijian chief over the weekend and they did a full ceremony, so I bet more people in Indy are familiar now than before.
I frequently share pictures of kocktails on my social media so at least I've gotten a few people interested.
Where was this at? I live in Plainfield Indiana on the southwest side of 465. I've honestly never met another person in Indy that knows what Kava is.


Kava Curious
I'm in Iowa, and as far as my experience, kava isn't a thing. But my gut tells me it sure could be. I've always thought a kava bar would work anywheree if properly promoted/run. Especially in a place like Iowa where there wouldn't be ANY competition in terms of the product being served. There's no options like that anywhere even close to around here. It would be a fantastic alternative to alcohol bars and that general atmosphere.
This is exactly how i feel. I wish i had the means and know how to open a kava bar around here. It would be beautiful.

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
I'm fairly confident I'm the only one in southwest ohio. I know people who would absolutely love the effects, but not the taste.
Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; they drinking kava swallow not and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand, and tasting of the bitter foul earthy peppery stinging numbing angry mud they doth say "ptui!!! how dare thou dost offer me such a foul reeking brew and tell me it is good??? Dost thou jest with me? Gag me with a non-stick kitchen utensil rather than this foul muck!" and thus they miss out on a truly wonderful thing..... Perhaps kava has a purpose in this?