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Kava Preparation My own blend/French Press/AluBall straining method (NO STRAINER BAG NEEDED)


Δ Kavanaut Δ
So I just devised a new system where I can prepare grog, however it is more time consuming. I used this method to make a big batch. It also feels a bit weaker in effects to just using the standard AluBall prep.

So essentially I put 3 tbsps of root, personally I used a 1:1 ratio of Squanch Waka to KWK Borogu in my blender with 3/4 a cup of water and 1/4 a cup of almond milk for taste/supposed fat potency. Any variety of kava should work! I blended for a minute, then let it sit for a few minutes, rinse and repeat for about 4 times. I then poured the contents of the blender into my french press.

I know from reading that many people have shattered their french press trying to make grog with it. So I decided to be extra careful and to re-blend if the particles were too thick to draw out. Basically I would push the plunger down until it would stop and require a ton of force. This is where I would pour through this seal, into a container. It only gives you a small amount of the grog, so you have to raise the plunger, shake the french press, then press the plunger down again, pouring through the seal. Basically I repeated this until there was mostly a squishy mass of wet kava in the french press.

Doing this would slowly extract the liquid, continually pushing it down further until the plunger is at the bottom with the wet saturated kava.

Then, I would pour the squishy wet kava into the aluball, and then use a smaller concentration of water to kava (about 1/3 the AluBall shaker full). Then do the normal Aluball method, and it will produce what appears to be similar to a second wash. Repeat this step until no squishy wet kava is left.

I used this method to create a large batch of blended kava without needing a strainer bag. I hope this method properly strains out the makas, because I wouldn't want it to be a bad idea. It has a less strong krunk compared to the same kava ratio using the aluball only, but the anti anxiety and sedation effects seem to be more pronounced. Not sure if this is because certain kavalactones are mechanically changed and made easier to extract via the blender, or if the french press extracts only certain kavalactones. Either way, it is a pleasant feeling, so I made nearly 2 liters of it. I hope this method actually is useful for others who don't have a strainer bag but want a somewhat stronger grog.


Kava Curious
I have been wondering if different prep methods have different effects on different kavalactones. Like maybe there isn't one prep method to rule them all, but maybe certain methods to bring out the calm or the buzz.


Kava Enthusiast