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  1. D

    Papa Ele'ele

    We're all lining up for our favorites. I really appreciate how different varieties relate to different humans. Papa Ele'ele is my after work, cooking dinner, talking to the family amazing favorite. Is ele'ele (micronized) in the queue as well? Thanks for the dedication and craft, Scott
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    Kava Preparation Combining Kava with other things

    Here's my current quickie version of kava. Really good. No onset delays. No digestive issues. Borderline delicious. 2 or more or less (depends on you) heaping teaspoons of micronized Gourmet Hawaiian Kava 1 heaping teaspoon of unsweetened organic cocoa powder 1 packet of stevia 10 ozs...
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    Micronized Kava 11 Year Waka

    Don’t be scared off by the 2 chemotype. For me, the 11yo Waka is very pleasant. I’m a 2 strong shell after work consumer, enjoying the easing while cooking dinner. Waka hits with the change of pace, yet dinner gets made and served, conversations are great, an evening walk, and then I eat myself...
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    Micronized Kava Papa Kea

    New to the board, but fully kavafied. Really taking to the mix and drink instant and micronized kavas. Awa Papa Kea is complex, balanced, thorough, and I enjoy the depth (that most 46... chemotypes don’t have for me). Hope Chris keeps batching.