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2-3 time using kava.


Kava Curious
Hello its my 2-3 time using kava and i was wondering if anyone could hook me up with a free sample? I have tried plain root but i think i liked micro/instant better.Sorry if i am breaking any rules but i just bought something and moneys tight right now. Thanks guys!


Warm and Fuzzeh!
A little while ago, big kava ran a promo deal on Amazon that let you have one free 4 oz bag of their root. If only you got into it sooner...


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
Wouldn't it be great if life worked like that.

Hey everyone, I'm looking for a free sample of Mercedes-Benz. I just bought a Ford so money's a bit tight. Thanks guys!


Warm and Fuzzeh!
I think what he meant was extra/unwanted kava that is we sometimes give away on the forums.

But on another thought, my money's running a bit tight too, so I can't afford a personal jet as of now. Anyone got any personal jets lying around that I can have?