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Kava Science 2015 International Kava Conference

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Awesome conference, lots of great information but some is unpublished so I need to sort it out and get permissions. Meanwhile, here's a link to my video and Q&A: http://www.truekava.com/video1.html
I've purposely disabled sound on my computer here at work to prevent frivolous "Hey man, did you see that youtube video?!!" situations where I've seen it a thousand times. This in mind I can't wait to get home and watch these.

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
Aloha everyone,
Kava Con was sweet and we were krunked late into the evening yesterday. :LOL:
We saw new blood pumping into the Kava world and old connections renewed as Chris Allen and I realized. Too bad we did not get to drink some shells together Chris.
Always good to see Steve from Ozia, and we hope to hang out with at the Kava Festival coming up shortly.
Good to see more about what Deleted User is doing with True Kava, Chris Xing has been trying to get some stats he presented for a while, if I recall correctly.
Taki Mai getting into Whole Foods is an accomplishment for non traditional Kava given the crazy Insurance limitations. Even took them 18 months to find coverage and thru Lloys of London, having to extend coverage on to US soil for their new kava beverage.
Jerry Konanui was one of the suppliers of fresh 'awa we all adore. Sweet, milky, foamy 'awa served cold.
.....and lots of it.....on both evenings. :)


Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
Thanks to @Steve and Adil @Paradise Kava for posting some more pictures of the kavacon. It was nice to see Adil and yes we need to have a shell of kava together one day, maybe next time your on the Big Island. It was also nice to meet Steve at Ozia Kava kava Candy, let me know if your ever on the Big Island and maybe we can get together and share some kava. I even saw Gary from Kava Kauai and Johnathan from Hawaiian kava center. I also met Rami who has a great kava bar, there were a lot of great people there as I said. I have been to 6 different International Kava Conference's and this one was with out a doubt the best one. I can really see that Kava is on a good road, there is a lot of good stuff that was brought out at the kavacon. And @Deleted User I really liked your video presentation, I know a lot of others that were there told me how much they enjoyed it as well. It was truly nice to be in the company of so many people with such a high dedication to Kava.
Aloha nui loa.

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Kava Enthusiast
Great pics guys! :) Glad you all had a great time, atleast all of us here that couldn't go get to hear about it, and see the pics hehe...
Half way through the video from Deleted User now, pretty cool...all in all it looks like a pretty awesome event!


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
@Runding lol, I kinda felt like it being surrounding by all these top kava scientists and people who I really respect and admire :)

@avahZ that would be the day and totally awesome!