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A two week break


Me like da kava
Between the holidays and finishing up the semester at college, this has been the longest break I've taken from Kava ever since I started. It feels like I haven't done it in so long but in actuality it has only been two weeks. I'm planning on whipping up a bowl tonight but hopefully this didn't affect my tolerance too much. I'm sure this is a subjective topic, so I'll ask what is the longest time span you can take a break from it without it affecting your tolerance at all - or at least nothing too noticeable to make a difference? I'll find my own answer to this tonight but just interested to see others' experiences with this.

Enjoy the holidays and Bula once again.


Do all things with love
My little 4 day breaks from drinking kava are enough to make a small difference in effects, but only takes a few days to get back to normal again. Have at it and have a great night :D

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5-6 months. I just wait patiently until i get to vanuatu twice yearly & cut loose. As ive mentioned fresh kava will ruin powdered kava drinking forever so much that you will not care for powdered. Sometimes (like now) i will occassionaly buy a kg or 2 when im on holidays & realise what im missing. I just drink so much of it when ive got it that im glad to see the end of it…moth to the flame sort of thing, if ive got it, i just cant leave it alone.


9 months here. I'm from one of those countries where kava is in legal-limbo, which means that if the package is checked in customs it will most likely be sent back or destroyed. Therefore I only order around Christmas-times, on the theory that there are a lot more packages going through customs then. And I usually run dry after about 3 months.

But anyways...I don't notice any reduced effect on my first post-pause batch. After my first pause I thought that I had to make my first batch extra strong to counter the reverse-tolerance. The result was that I literally had to crawl to bed. My theory is that you have to build up expectations and recognition of the effects of kava before you can notice and appreciate them. And once you have done that, I don't think it goes away again. But as I said, its just my theory.