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Kava & Drug Interaction Alcohol > kava > migraine



Kava the night before>One beer at midday the following day>Kava that same night>Death migraine at midnight>Spew>Sleep>sweet dreams>write this post>talk about my feelings>feel warmth inside knowing i am one less mistake away from a happy life

In future I am going to ensure i leave at least 24 hours between mixing these two substances again, most likely 36 hours, as this was a pretty bad ordeal. It reeminds of when i used to drink alcohol and poppy seed tea I would get icepick headaches the morning after when mixed with booze; yet on its own i would be fine.

Kava is like the champix of alcohol~

TL: I have been drinking kava for just over a week and have successfully used it to replace alcohol so far. Last week on day 5? of just drinking kava, one afternoon after work i had about three beers (No kava). Woke up the next day feeling pretty shocking with a bad headache. So i had some suspicions, along with what i had read online, that these two do not play nice together.

Yesterday I had one beer at about midday so approximately 12 hours after drinking kava the night before. Immediately I did not feel great when drinking the beer initially and didnt really have the desire to finish it. I was keeping up hydration throughout the afternoon knowing i'd have some kava later. I prepared some kava in the evening at about 8pm. Drank the kava, to little effect compared to other nights despite making it quite strong which i felt was strange. A headache had been lingering since basically T+30 minutes after takeoff from the beer. Went to bed at 11, was up at 1130 with the most intense migraine for about 3 hours, power spewed like a real man then felt good enough to be able to sleep.
This is probably not new information but just thought i'd share my experience.

Any thoughts on what might have occurred inside my body, aside from poor decision making skills, that resulted in this outcome?