Let me ask this question. Is it standard policy to simply drink through the dermopathy? I know I have it, and I haven't even slowed down. I'm getting a dried face, chapped lips, and old man hands. (No disrespect to any old men, Ill be one before long) I also got this stye in my eye, that popped a few days ago. My eyes were very puffy, and the stye started to form. Like I said its healed know. Know I would like to add, I probably use a pound every 5 days. I have been doing this for a good, 3 months. Is that considered heavy use? Other than the dried eyes, chapped lips, and the hands, I have no more spots of dry skin. I just took 6 teaspoons for my evening dose. Did 7 tea spoons this morning. I'm going through some tough times, with some other substances, and large amounts of kava helps. Don't ever get addicted to K@ or other things substances in that family, that's what got me. I would have never thought I would get addicted to a leaf. Anyway, I plan on backing off the Kava, because Im feeling a bit better from my K@ detox. I guess my main question is, is taking the doses I take, for the length of time, I have been taking it safe? Much love Roaddog....