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Amlactin/dermopathy question


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
For those of you who've had success using this to treat dermopathy, how long should I leave it on? I can't really stand having lotion on my skin for any appreciable amount of time really. Do you basically apply it and leave it there or a set amount of time then wash it off or ... ?


I've always just put it on my skin, usually only once, maybe twice a day. As long as too much lotion isn't used, and you make sure to rub it in well, I've never gotten that greasy feeling.

In fact, with the dry flaky skin that comes with dermopathy, it feels quite supple and nice, though slightly more "moisturized" than normally (without lotion). That being said, it's bee a while since I've had to use it.

What about having it on for a long period of time do you not like?


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
It's "icky," that's all. I do tend to over apply, I've managed to keep corn huskers lotion on my hands by using very small amounts. I'll try and keep it on from here on out.


Yeah, I only use the least amount possible to get it to it's coated well but I know do know that feeling when lotion is overapplied.

It doesn't take much of this stuff to nicely get the skin supple compared to others.


Bula To Eternity
It's "icky," that's all. I do tend to over apply, I've managed to keep corn huskers lotion on my hands by using very small amounts. I'll try and keep it on from here on out.
I have naturally all the time oily skin. And when I get the ick, it is a totally foreign feeling to me. I've never experienced anything close to "dry skin" before. But because of my natural tendency for oily skin, I really hate any type of greasy lotion. I haven't tried this stuff, but I'm thinking about it. Is it really greasy stuff or water soluble type stuff??


I don't have tons of experiences with lotions, but in my experience, especially for treating kava dermopathy, it is the best treatment for it.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
Hmm I don't have much experience with lotions either. It does say "non-greasy" on the bottle, so take that for what its worth.

Yeah, most people seem to agree on its efficacy. Personally hasn't done much for me but I've only tried it a handful of times and never kept it on for very long.


Yeah, it should definitely never be washed off for it to work correctly through its keratolytic activity from the AHA (which work by loosening the outer layer of skin, causing it fall off). Also, in addition, keratolytics soften keratin in the skin allowing the a greater potential for moisturization of the skin.

From my personal experience from the kava dermopathy article, I found this:
As mentioned above, I did not apply the AHA for 24 hours and I found that, during that gap, a significant amount of skin flaking was occurring in that isolated spot (where I had been testing the AHA). Not only was it much more flaky than the other untreated parts of my body, but the flakes were much looser and easier to remove. After I sloughed these off with a washcloth, the area has continued to be clear and supple (normal) to this day (the 26th, 8 days after starting the application).

I found that the AHA not only did well to accelerate the process of shedding and sloughing off of the dead skin, but once that skin was removed, the area remained clear and supple, even during the 24 hrs of non-treatment.

Are you getting any of this effect? Did you stop drinking kava?


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
I just got the lotion and haven't left it on yet, and I haven't stopped drinking. I'll try and keep it on tomorrow.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
I put in on after my afternoon shower...spread it around well to try to get the most mileage out of it. Then I stand in front of a fan to help dry it and start drinking kava. :hungry:
It definitely leaves a bit of a thick feeling on my skin and sometimes has a tingly prickly mild burn feeling in some spots. The stuff usually works wonders within a day or two though.
The other day I slightly burnt two fingers on some hot food, couldn't even see it visually and hardly even remembered doing it, then i put on amlactin.....those two fingers starting burning like crazy. :arghh:
Even after trying to wash it off, they persisted to burn like hell for about an hour. I had to constantly keep 'em wet or in front of an air conditioner until it stopped.


Well I guess I'm in the minority here. When I have the dermopathy, I have the driest, flakiest and scaliest skin possible so adding the AmLactin only seems to bring up the skin to what it would have been before hand as in normal.

I can say though that because of the mechanism of action, and the hypothesis I have regarding why it treats it so well, it needs to be kept on and not applied then washed off. Just think about it like sunscreen, would you apply some than wash it off? I usually want to and hardly wear any myself but when I do, it's far worse than the nice moisturized feeling I get on my poor old dermopathic skin gets from a small amount of AmLactin.


Bula To Eternity
.....moisturized feeling I get on my poor old dermopathic skin gets from a small amount of AmLactin....
Maybe I'll give it a try, but try only a little bit at a time and see how it goes. You have probably said this already, but is it ok to apply to the face too?


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
I've never needed to use it past my neck...you probably can, but from my experience you'd probably wanna be extremely careful getting near your eyes and inner-nostril...it might burn. You also need to very aware of your sun exposure in the days following AmLactin usage.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
Is it really that dangerous? I'm usually out in the sun for 30 minutes or so a day, shirtless.

I actually finally applied and kept it on today. The dermopathy isn't really bothering me and I've stopped drinking kava so I just put it on my left side just to see what happens.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
I'm not sure how serious it can get...ive definitely been out in the sun for 20-30 minute periods after wearing it and didn't notice anything bad.
But once I stayed in the sun for 50-60 minutes after using it and it gave a fairly severe sunburn. It's not uncommon for me to be in the sun for long periods, so I definitely attribute the added severity to the AmLactin usage. It probably would have been horrible for someone who isn't already a bit tan or has a fair complection.


Kava Who?
Let me ask this question. Is it standard policy to simply drink through the dermopathy? I know I have it, and I haven't even slowed down. I'm getting a dried face, chapped lips, and old man hands. (No disrespect to any old men, Ill be one before long) I also got this stye in my eye, that popped a few days ago. My eyes were very puffy, and the stye started to form. Like I said its healed know. Know I would like to add, I probably use a pound every 5 days. I have been doing this for a good, 3 months. Is that considered heavy use? Other than the dried eyes, chapped lips, and the hands, I have no more spots of dry skin. I just took 6 teaspoons for my evening dose. Did 7 tea spoons this morning. I'm going through some tough times, with some other substances, and large amounts of kava helps. Don't ever get addicted to K@ or other things substances in that family, that's what got me. I would have never thought I would get addicted to a leaf. Anyway, I plan on backing off the Kava, because Im feeling a bit better from my K@ detox. I guess my main question is, is taking the doses I take, for the length of time, I have been taking it safe? Much love Roaddog....


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
Dermopathy isn't gonna kill ya, so it's basically about how much you are willing to tolerate before you stop. Personally once it gets on my torso I stop (it usually shows up first in the webbing between my thumb).

Teaspoons do you mean tablespoons? Lots of us use kava daily, I would say a pound every five days is definitely on the heavier side around here. If you do mean teaspoons, I use like 8 tablespoons a day and have for a long time.

It's safe as long as you use good kava and prepare it correctly but as you noticed it will eventually transform you into a lizard.


Kava Who?
^^^I like your lizard comment. to funny. That's what it kind of feels like. Funny you said it, I was telling my wife that I felt like a lizard, a couple days ago. Also I like your answer. Makes sense. I am using tea spoons. I mean we are drinking tea here. lol. I guess 12 tea spoons would not be that from 8 table spoons. Ya, I use the little spoon not the big one. You must also run through a pound pretty fast. Don't get me wrong, mine are rounded tea spoons. I also strain several times, as I have heard that leaving too much root, causes it. I must say, I have never had dry skin till know. Very weird experience. So basically it will just get worse, till I quit. That makes sense. Its not too bad, but the stye in my eye, that hurt. Once it popped, I felt so much better. I have heard horror stories about folks having to give up Kava over this. I don't want to loose kava. It helps. I will watch for the torso rash. I might aught to pick up something for it. I have been using a product called Aquaphor healing ointment, That seems to help. I bet utter balm (used to put on the utters of cows, during the dry winter months) would be the greatest cure for this. Much love, Roaddog....


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
Everyone in here swears by amlactin lotion. I've never used it a lot so I don't know, I just stop taking kava for a week or two.