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I Love Kava Friday Another week down!

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
It's that familiar feeling, kava lovers. We've made it together yet again to that most awesome doorway to the weekend.

Early start this morning. Dog decided the storms were too intense for her liking and so 3:00AM became my wakeup time this morning.

I'm physically here, but that's about it, lol.

I hope you all have an excellent weekend



Kava Enthusiast
Storms here at the hour, also! What a peaceful sound, for me, the rain and wind and thunder. Lightning is pretty bright when your eyes are adjusted to darkness and sensitive from drinking a few shells of kava. Each lightning flash seems like it's right in my backyard.

Today, is long awaited grocery day. I work thursdays now, still get paid friday. I am now realizing thursdays are pretty rough because I run out of groceries and don't have money to replace them till the next day, and by grocery, a lot of what I mean is my routine: clear scent free dishsoap, rubber gloves, solid hydrogen peroxide mixed with carbonate, and cat treats. This week I need something special: stamps and legal envelopes. I'll tell them they better have fancy stamps, one of my recipients is a stamp collector from way back.

If I wanted to save money, I have a national geographic unused stamp collection featuring different animals on the stamps. It is in near mint condition, and, of course I'm not going to break up the set and start using collector stamps on letters, but if I really wanted to, I could.This reminds me of the usual treat at the bank, I take all their dollar coins, half dollars, and two dollar bills. In addition, a very sweet lady has been giving me oragami butterflies which is pretty darn cool to me.

I had a little kava tragedy last night, a full jar of brewed kava slipped out of my hand as I was reaching to put the cap on it. The jar made some neighbor-rousing noise and I spent a momemt cleaning up the floor with soap then rinsing with water..The last thing I need is to be ignorant and attract flies with my kava mess. I, as with my routine, brewed another batch. The kava was to go in the fridge and today I am happy to see it. I'm not a quitter, when I fail to make kava I try again until kava is made. I know it costs resources, and right now I'm looking at running myself out of kava for my birthday, I'm not too worried nonetheless. That's one of my favorite aspects of kava, I do not fear running out of it. I know last time I found myself challenged to get some sleep, so maybe being conservative is an excellent priority, however I made the right decision for me by saving all of my leftover roots. I can have shells of kava, quality I appreciate, strength that I can't shake a stick at, for three to four days from frozen second wash on a pound of roots.

Been kicking rear at work, going to be another busy night, and a few thereafter. I look forward to the meals--last night I had pasta with mushrooms, garlic chunks, and a marsala sauce made with spice and wine. It tasted sweet and savory at the same time, like grape sweetness. I wanted primavera which is mushrooms, asparagus, peas, other veggies, in a creamsauce with strips of handmade pasta; we were out. Then I asked the chef to include dry mush rooms and he was like "Nah I got fresh for you, you don't want that dried shit!"

Overall they make some delicious foods. I made it "Marsala Thursday" because lots of other people wanted the same dish once they saw what I got. Also the guys were joking nicely about my face - "Did you cut yourself shaving?" 'Yeah I did.' "YEAAHHH YOU DIDD." hahaha
Happy Friday! Bulaaa!