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any empaths that are drinking kava ?

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Kava Enthusiast
I've never really thought about how being an empath affects my kava drinking. Here are the things that I've noticed that aren't considered the "norm" although I have no clue if it's because I'm an empath. Too much kava gives me anxiety, especially the more relaxing ones. Almost feels like the anxiety I got from cannabis back in the day, but not as severe. Really heady kavas make me nauseous. It's easy for me to hear the kava, but I can also hear the pine tree in my yard when I tune in. After drinking it daily for quite awhile, now I can come back to it for a week, and it has profound long term effects (weeks, months) oafter drinking it, as if it teaches me lessons or helps me to change my mindset.


Kava Enthusiast
I'm intrigued by this question. Please explain the perception of empath and such?
Empaths can feel others feelings as if they were their own. We are the people that can tell what is wrong with someone as soon as we walk into a room. It can be overwhelming at times, and it takes some learning to be able to distinguish your feelings from others. There are also earth empaths, nature empaths, and animal empaths. These people can pick up on the feelings of plants, animals, and even the land in an area. Some of us can also take on others physical pain. We were born to be healers of the world, emotional or physical depending on the type of empath, and are generally more connected to everything (people, nature, animals) than the average person. Many of us also discover we have some psychic gifts as well.


I've never really thought about how being an empath affects my kava drinking. Here are the things that I've noticed that aren't considered the "norm" although I have no clue if it's because I'm an empath. Too much kava gives me anxiety, especially the more relaxing ones. Almost feels like the anxiety I got from cannabis back in the day, but not as severe. Really heady kavas make me nauseous. It's easy for me to hear the kava, but I can also hear the pine tree in my yard when I tune in. After drinking it daily for quite awhile, now I can come back to it for a week, and it has profound long term effects (weeks, months) oafter drinking it, as if it teaches me lessons or helps me to change my mindset.

I meant to ask in what ways does kava affect you as an empath. Does kava make the greed lust materialism in modern world feel more draining ? Like becoming sensitive and drained from the vibes of the city?


Kava Enthusiast
Being more sensitive could have something to do with the anxiety I experience in higher doses. In general, it seems to help. It makes me feel more grounded, I think kava is a very grounding plant. Also less stressed about what's going on around me, and more tuned into myself.


I got psychic attacked so easily while on kava 0.o...
Someone looked at me for one second and it just ruined my kava session and made me irritated heavy etc.. It happened twice

Deleted User01

I got psychic attacked so easily while on kava 0.o...
Someone looked at me for one second and it just ruined my kava session and made me irritated heavy etc.. It happened twice
Next time tell your wife you don't want to be disturbed when you are relaxin'. :LOL: Yeah, it happens to me too ... but only with her. :D
It sounds like being an empath can be rough. For example, I will be driving a relative to a cancer clinic and this is gonna last a while. I would not want to feel the mental and physical pain of everyone in the room. I would imagine that an empath might have an immediate nervous breakdown in that environment. Too bad you can't be a psychic instead and predict the stock market.
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