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Best Daytime Kava


Deleted User01

I'm still testing different Kavas but I really need a good daytime Kava. I eat supper at 6PM and my Kava drinking may start at 2:30PM if not earlier. So I'm krunked right now on a combo of Koniak and Tongan Pride and it's not an ideal daytime Kava though I'm still productive. The Tongan keeps me in the game whereas the Koniak by itself would probably send me to the bench. After reading all the posts about Melo Melo, I'm thinking that might be a good daytime Kava. On Thursday, I will try Wow as a daytime Kava (in moderation) because that is what I have in the fridge. It would seem that the more euphoric and less sedating Kavas would be ideal during the day thus my leaning toward Melo Melo. I have tried Solomons during the day and it's pretty good during the day but I have to pay attention when I make my next batch and try to quantify how it feels while working.

So post your favorite daytime Kava and your reasons for liking it. Perhaps there is a Kava that doesn't go down the BuzzKill drain when bad things happen at work.


Kava Enthusiast
Day drinking is generally not for me but, either way, I've found that the lightest varieties (Fu'u) to be the least draining overall. No surprises there.

Now that I think about it, BKH's instant is optimal for day usage too.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I've been....questioned for recommending this kava due to the exorberant cost, but NOTHING beats fresh frozen kava for daytime drinking. It feels like it was made for it.


I don't drink kava during the daytime usually, but for situations where I have to be more alert I tend to use stuff like Nambawan, Solomon's and Tongan strains but I always have to mix them with Boroguru (my staple and go-to for all other times) or I get a little edgy.

I ordered some Melo Melo and BKH Fijian Waka so those also sound like perfect day time kavas that I'll try by themselves and probably end up mixing with Boroguru. I think (haven't tried any, except Paradise's C02 extract), but like Kapm said, I think Hawaiian strains would also be perfect for this.

Excited to try the Melo Melo and Fijian, I just worry about getting edgy like on SI and rarely on Fu'u but sometimes a day is bettter with a small amount of kava in the early afternoon.

But to summarize, my favorite would be Nambawan

(and I see you KavaGurl, trying to get all my Nambie)


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
Quote removed due to privacy request
I'm surprised, I thought Fiji Waka was kind of weak compared to Melo Melo. Can't get enough Vanuatu kavas myself. I've only tried Fiji Waka once so far though so maybe it's time to give it another shot.

Oh and yeah Melo Melo seems like it would be great for daytime kava consumption, although I haven't tried it. Can't remember the last time I drank kava during the day really.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
In terms of potency, I guess it's a little less potent than Boroguru in that I'd probably use more tablespoons of melomelo for an enjoyable kava session. But the effects are not comparable at all. I've been mixing it with Boroguru actually, it's a great blend.


Oh and yeah Melo Melo seems like it would be great for daytime kava consumption, although I haven't tried it.
Doh! I think I misinterpreted that.

EDIT: thanks! I guess it is really mellow in terms of potency. Still sounds like a nice kava though.

Piper Methysticum

Let Kava Take The Wheel
My experience with the daytime ones are pretty limited but I really liked BKH Borogu- one hour of nice mood elevation that allowed me to be functional w/o feeling like taking a nap. KBR Fiji Waka seemed similar to Borogu- very nice mood uplift that didn't slow me down much. Either SI or Tongan Pride will be my very next purchase.

Deleted User01

Daytime Kava is difficult but I get up at 5 and go to bed at 9 pm so I have to be a daytime Kava drinker. I'm lucky because I work from the house. I only partake of Kava about 3 times a week. Here are a few things that I have learned about drinking Kava during the day:

Don't drive after drinking Kava. You are way too mellow to hassle with aggressive workday drivers. Your reaction time is effected. If you must drive, avoid Kava with sedative effects.

If you have the need to take Kava in the morning, then avoid the temptation to take a power nap after lunch. Kava wants to put you to bed, do not obey the Kava. If you do, you will be groggy (krunky) all afternoon long.

The right kind of Kava helps to motivate me at those times when I'm stressed out, fed up with the world, and unable to get any serious work done. I have noticed that a euphoric Kava helps change my attitude and get me energized to start the next big project. I save the sedating Kava for the last shell of the day if any.

So I'm finally learning how to use the different varieties of Kava available to us and I will be ordering some of the more euphoric light Kavas (from Bula) to complement the Wows and Solomons. I will be making future posts with my observations on how the lighter Kavas effect me during the work day.

P.S. Thanks Deleted User for the comment about the Waka from Bula. That and Melo Melo are on my next order.


Is there death before life?
I think Fu'u is a great daytime Kava.
It's extremely cerebral, without sedation.
It also makes me wicked productive, good stuff

Deleted User01

Endwatcher, glad to meet another daytimer. Per your other post, a while back I researched a host of botanicals and tried them all. I settled on Kava for my particular needs. However, there are people here with different needs that might be served by both Kava and perhaps other botanicals. If you find another Forum where people talk intelligently about alternative drugs then please let us know where that forum exists and I'll be glad to join ya.


Is there death before life?
Id like to start one, but like I said in the post that I was highly considering getting my ND.
I dont want to start something that I would have to quit later because of obligations to education.
Ive yet to find one that wasnt a bunch of "druggies" that is something that I am not.

I to feel that there is a wide variety of botanicals that could be highly beneficial with a combo of Kava, or say hepatoprotective herb like Schisandrin A to be in combo with the Kava to offset any negative effect on the liver.
I just hate to narrow my point of view to just one item in a diverse garden, I personally feel its all here for a reason.

Deleted User01

Endwatcher, I would think you are well within the guidelines if you talk about botanicals that are beneficial with Kava. Anything that is Hepaprotective should be welcome here. I think we don't want discussions about Kanna, K@, Salvia, Peyote and things like that. For example, Infraredz mentioned some drugs that together with Kava make it more possible to have Lucid dreams. What say you guys, can we give Endwatcher some guidelines? If the subject matter gets out of line, I feel he will be more than happy to back down.

You are the second person in the last week that wants to major in ND. I told the last one to visit MedicineHunter.com. There is an encyclopedia of Botanical knowledge there including some nice Kava Articles. That used to be my favorite Web Site until I found the Kavasseur.