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Blood Test


Kava Enthusiast
The results from my annual physical are good except my LDL is too high. I have not seen the actual report yet, but was told all the other panels were fine.. I'm around 15 lbs over my ideal weight (190 vs 175) and my exercise program is not a vigorous as in times past. I realize that BMI, intense exercise and "eating well" are the major factors in determining your HDL / LDL ratio, but what about Kava consumption? High LDL seems to be a common thread among member's here. Is there a proven link between kava drinking and high LDL ....... an anecdotal one?.....or not one at all?

Deleted User01

Yes 2Intense, my Cholesterol jumped about 20 points with Kava. I think it went as high as 240 and then settled at 220. Anyway, because of my family history, I do take Lipitor now. In the past, I was able to lower it dramatically t by going on a low fat high fiber diet but it is impossible to keep that diet when no one else in the house cooperates. I do get plenty of exercise with the exception of the last week and I'm sure the next week. But exercise doesn't help cholesterol that much ... in my case. It's diet. And I might add that I consider myself to be 6 pounds overweight but weight is not really an issue. Its genetics and diet with a little boost from kava.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
Anecdotal. Seems to crop up a lot in our bloodwork. I exercise everyday, am at a normal weight by BMI, and had high LDL last time I went. I keep meaning to go back.


Kava Enthusiast
Deleted User01 it is my understanding and personal experience that intense "heart rate raising" exercise can help lower your LDL and raise your HDL. I believe my increased LDL is a result of less intense exercise, added body weight and drinking kava. Just wondering how much to attribute to the kava. You say 20 points, could be. Now they can even measure a subclass A&B for LDL so who really know what is important to your hearts health. I know this for sure - kava relieves stress and that is good!