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Kava Who?
Hey folks, placed an order for a real shell. I guess its the next step of my kava experience. I want all the real tribal stuff. I have even been looking at bowels, but they are crazy expensive. But I did order this shell for around 8 bucks. here is a link http://www.amazon.com/Kulea-Farm-Ka...TF8&qid=1407026438&sr=8-1&keywords=kava+shell Anyway, I was wondering if this is the normal size. Should it be a bit bigger? My wife wants one too, so should I order another one, or is there better out there? I figured you folks would be the one to ask. I bet you all was like ho shit what kind of crazy crap is he going to come up with next. No that was last night. Much love. Roaddog....



Kava Who?
Size looks pretty big to me, I prefer a 4oz, about 5" or so. Here's where I got mine:


You mention you've been looking at "bowels", I think they'd make rather sh***y kava - I'd get a bowl! :D (Sorry, couldn't resist...)
ya I found one I like better. I know it may not be as traditional. But I need something that can replace a red solo cup, so this one may be more to my liking. Im seeing they are 12 to 14 oz. http://www.shelloutlet.com/catalog/item/2833121/4806807.htm I may order one of these. Thanks Deleted User::awesomesmiles::. Actually everything is pretty cheap on that site. Much love. Roaddog....


A spoonful of sugar makes the Awa' go down.
ya I found one I like better. I know it may not be as traditional. But I need something that can replace a red solo cup, so this one may be more to my liking. Im seeing they are 12 to 14 oz. http://www.shelloutlet.com/catalog/item/2833121/4806807.htm I may order one of these. Thanks Deleted User::awesomesmiles::. Actually everything is pretty cheap on that site. Much love. Roaddog....
Yes that one is more of a "gentlemanly" cup roaddog, hahaha ;)
I may've ran across that website a couple times during my search for authenticity.
Certainly a kavasseurs staple. ::awesomesmiles::::happyshell::
I'm gonna bookmark this for later reference; thanks for that link roaddog. :D