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Kava Blend Review Damu Kava Fiji Damu Fiji Kava Special Variety Kava – Samoa Ava

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
Kind of a shame to write a review of a kava that is sold out. Don't know if there will be any more. I bought it the day it became available and then a day or two later it was all gone.

Well, it is amazing kava, my whole family agrees. Strong, balanced, very heady, delicious. The only really comparable kava I know of is Tongan Family Reserve, hits that perfect mix of delicious flavour, euphoria, strong, balanced. Just all around beautiful kava. One of the very very best I've ever had.

This is not really anything at all like the RoH Samoan kava, also a very very good kava, btw IMO, and vastly underrated. They're both heady and both taste good, but they taste absolutely nothing alike and this KWK is stronger and more balanced, you can't really substitute one for the other. No, this is more like a really top of the line Tongan in nature.

Well, consider yourself fortunate if you ever get to try it.