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Dark Urine?!?

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As a heavy drinker for many years, kava has been a godsend to move away from that destructive substance. I bought some instant from bulakava and enjoyed it fine. Now I have instant from konakava. They recommend 1 tbsp. three times daily. To get the effect I wanted, I'd take 3-4 tbsp. for the last two evenings. I've noticed I have dark urine, brownish actually, even 24 hrs since last time I drank kava. Anyone else have this? It concerns me, bc this is supposedly a sign of liver distress. On the other hand, went to the dr a few weeks ago and he said my liver panel was normal?


yeah, I think hydrating is gonna help. It just scared me considering my history with alcohol. I'm still trying different brands. Kona seemed like a good value considering the size of the bag you get, but like I said, it takes 3-4 tbsp. to get me feeling good. I'll have to try the ones you guys mentioned. Any other good bang for your buck ones I should try? Being a regular kava drinker aint cheap:)


I'm interested in things
yeah, I think hydrating is gonna help. It just scared me considering my history with alcohol. I'm still trying different brands. Kona seemed like a good value considering the size of the bag you get, but like I said, it takes 3-4 tbsp. to get me feeling good. I'll have to try the ones you guys mentioned. Any other good bang for your buck ones I should try? Being a regular kava drinker aint cheap:)
Instant is pretty expensive. Micronized is similar, in that there is zero preparation: you just mix it with water, but it is much more cost effective. GHK and Kalm with Kava, and Kava King sell micronized kava. Some people (like me) get more stomach with micronized, but the majority have no problem with it.


I'm interested in things
If your urine is extremely dark, you should see your doctor, though, as that can be indicative of problems.

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
As a heavy drinker for many years, kava has been a godsend to move away from that destructive substance. I bought some instant from bulakava and enjoyed it fine. Now I have instant from konakava. They recommend 1 tbsp. three times daily. To get the effect I wanted, I'd take 3-4 tbsp. for the last two evenings. I've noticed I have dark urine, brownish actually, even 24 hrs since last time I drank kava. Anyone else have this? It concerns me, bc this is supposedly a sign of liver distress. On the other hand, went to the dr a few weeks ago and he said my liver panel was normal?
In my experience, Kava definitely leads to darker urine, probably between the "you're just fine" and "drink a 1/2 bottle of water" shades above. It doesn't pose any risk, and can be prevented by drinking about three times more water than you usually would.


Kava Lover
My urine the morning after a poorly hydrated kava session doesnt even appear on the scale. It looks neon tinted light orange. Ive improved this by loading up on water before bed and during the session. Now my morning urine is the second one on the list

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Yeah I don't even get close to this with kava..
The only times my urine is darker yellow, it's the morning after a crazy hard session mixed with cannabis and tons of tea (diuretic) and not enough water.
And that still is a dark yellow and the second pee is always clear !

Kona kava and whatever contaminants or fudged up stuff they have in there is the cause not kava... your weakened liver from past alcohol probrably exascerbated it... stop drinking Kona kava immediatley and drink some water

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
My urine the morning after a poorly hydrated kava session doesnt even appear on the scale. It looks neon tinted light orange. Ive improved this by loading up on water before bed and during the session. Now my morning urine is the second one on the list
sometimes I get overtones of Gatorade after eating a lot of candies and/or drinking KWK concentrate. Like Kavasseur, unless I drink lots of extra water I do get slightly darker urine just from drinking kava, not enough to be bad or dangerous, but enough to inspire drinking more water.
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