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Dr. Jerome Sarris Interviewed about Kava

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New Zealand
Kava Vendor
Thanks for posting this. Dr Sarris has done a lot of good work for kava and I've heard that he himself enjoys drinking good kava. :) It's also pretty cool that he engages with some of the anti-kava people online (e.g. in the comments section under some of the articles describing his findings).


'Awa Grower/Collector
Kava: from Ceremonial Drink to Modern Mood-Booster
20min interview starts around 5:30 into the podcast. Nice to have an update on some of the the latest kava studies currently underway.
Yes, thank you for posting this...I have always thought Dr. Sarris' scientific publications on kava were great and he was a featured Speaker at our KavaCon 2015 conference in Honolulu. I am, however, disappointed, that he recommends kavalactone products-capsules, etc. I understand his rationale (sufferers from anxiety, etc.) but still think it can be a slippery slope when you begin using these products as opposed to the aqueous beverage (made with dry or fresh). All I could do was read the text, my remote location and broadband support does not allow watching videos so my "viewing" was fragmented.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
I can definitely understand the desire for a standardized extract by scientists/medical practitioners; there is definitely a learning curve to kava that puts a lot of people off. but I can't say I would recommend any of the current products on the market
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