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Explaining what kava taste is like...

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
I would get an Aluball if it had a larger capacity, like 8 tbsp. Making one shell at a time seems like it would actually be more work than kneading a batch.
Yup, this is the only drawback. But I assure you that the AluBall is supremely convenient and great for making a quick and clean shell of delicious Kava.


I'm interested in things
@Kavasseur - The pics are beautiful, but you should apply some jpeg compression for posting to the web (as well as resample to 96 dpi); those files are humungous. :)

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
Yeah, that's really solid advice.

I remember giving a presentation on an ethnographic project I worked on in the Solomon Islands and I crashed the conference computer. My PowerPoint was brimming with non-compressed pictures and the computer couldn't handle it. I think the presentation was like 1.2 GB or something...


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
When I introduce people to kava then always say how does it taste. I say not good, it tastes like plant roots, licking a wet rock, or drinking mud. Then I wait for the reaction, either they say oh ok not so bad or they wretch. When they wretch I pour the orange Tang in their shell and all is better for the ones who really can't drink it.
I look at it like the time my buddy took me for my first tattoo. It was a long drive and the whole time he kept telling me it hurts awful, it feels like they are peeling your skin off, yadda yadda, but you can do it, I will be right there. I was terrified but wasn't going to wimp out. After it started I looked at him and he smiled as he knew he had me so pumped up it hurt even less then they actually do.
LOL...i never thought about licking a wet rock description. Totally fits in a strange but perfect way as everyone has jumped into waterfall areas or got some river water in the mouth accidentally - totally have to use that one :)


Kava aficionado
@Kavasseur when you say "frothy" do you literally mean like a layer of froth on top like a latte? I have never seen that. Do you use soy lechitin or something in your prep to get that?
@verticity I use a blender for my kava and everytime I make a batch, I get a good two inch froth, it's quite good. Reminds me of a Murphy's Stout


I'm interested in things
When I'm in Ghana, I always kill some goats and my wife makes a hot pepper soup that we share across the family. So amazing..!
That sounds delicious, but as far as comparison with kava taste, I don't mean goat meat, but rather how the whole goat would taste if you ate it, including matted fur, testicles, and all.. or, since I have never done that, actually how a goat smells..

Capitán Bastos

When I'm in Ghana, I always kill some goats and my wife makes a hot pepper soup that we share across the family. So amazing..!
Do you have fufu with that?
A lot of people have lamb for Easter. I prefer a kid's leg.
I do the classic rosemary and garlic one, roast the leg whole on the grill.
I've deboned it and rolled it with chévre and herbs.
I've also rubbed it with a special Tunisian spice blend, served with couscous and a hot tomato and vegetable stew.
Goat, young goat that is, is my go to meat for homemade shawarmas.
I have to wait until March to get fresh goat, maybe I'll make tacos this year.
Habanero and mango salsa perhaps.

Ken Clark

I'm the weird type that actually likes the taste. Some are worse than others, but the taste is still pretty good. The more root that was used to make the drink, the better it tastes. The worst tasting one I have found so far is Moi, but it is still tolerable. To be honest, I just ignore the taste altogether.