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Felt weird and kind of gross though good somehow


Kava Enthusiast
Yesterday I tried some of Bula's 11 year waka. after I came back from a walk and was lounging while texting the SO because was still traveling with her stuff and I wanted to cheer her up.

For some reason on one hand felt bloated and just...weird, kind of silly, yet bloated and gross
But on the other hand had kind of a pleasent relaxing vibe going. I had bunch of water. NM US where I live is basically a desert (the dry place kind. Not the yummy food kind) so it's just a good idea to drink a bunch of water anyway.
Plus it's been averaging 90F/ 30C .

It was a table spoon in 8oz mixed as well I could get it my hunch is it was a little to thick. Had 1 I'd guess about 25-30 minuts latter had a second one with only about 1/2 TB. Compared to a decent 1TB.
While I did feel pretty loosy goosy and nice one hand
On the other felt...just off and gross and weird for bit till I felt super-awsomly goofy and loosy goosy.
Wanting to enjoy the stuff I tried a big Capichino style cup. Without food.
And (so far) it's going a lot nicer.
As I don't want to feel gross or weird,
Any gueses what went wrong the first time?
As a comparison KavaFied "supreme" and GHK's Buruguru(How is that spelled) the one times I tried them rocked and I didn't feel weird. LOL around cup 2? or 3 of Burururu did take a wonderfully awsome nap though.

I don't know what I might have done wrong of differently with that waka. Would like to avoid feeling weirdER to enjoy a chill sunday.
LOL so far so good thought.
Maybie the first time I made it a bit to thick.


Kava Enthusiast
I've had fijan Waka root that took me to the edge of psychedelia. No joke. One time I had Maui medicinals brew and chew on top of my usual Waka and I felt like I was starting to open up to another world.


Kava Enthusiast
11 year waka can be a bit on the strong side, i have taken it before and been transported to another dimension, its great stuff, go easy on it.

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
My kava lifestyle is almost entirely psychedelic. Listening to "lifetime" by Flash, right now, the flash in the can album, on 8 track, full blast, beautiful sunny warm evening, under the trees, tall tumbler of strong grog on ice, and a kwk concentrat 'n San pellegrino, this isn't like a dream, it is a dream, but I'm awake, and dreaming that I'm dreaming this. It's perfect. And that's just with a blend of 2/3 m&m Vanuatu to 1/3 wakacon Fijian lawena. Imagine what this is like with squanch.... Next dimension...... Heaven.... Next 8-track up..... Steve Hillage. L. Psychedelic out the Ying yang.


Kava Enthusiast
I think everyone should experience psychedelics at least once. Unless you're prone to anxiety attacks. It opens up a whole new world
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Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
No problem, brother. Drink water, lie down, wait for it to pass, which it assuredly will, no worries. Take a nap for a while if you feel like it.