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Hawaiian 'Awa

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Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
Those are huge. You mean five months out of the nursery, right?
Yes your right they are 5 months out of the nursery. and they are in a good spot with a lot of good soil under the mound I planted it on.
Most of the land where this 'awa is growing has soil that is only 4inches or so deep, sometimes the lava rock is showing and sometimes there is just a inch or so of grass and organic matter on top of the lava. There are natural areas that have deeper amounts of soil and the soil here is dark and rich with lots of worms so when I make a mound and plant a 'awa plant on top of this, it takes a 3 or 4 weeks and then it starts to grow like crazy. New stalks will come out and they come out larger and grow faster and the leaves get huge and dark green. Oh and did I mention the root, what it does to the root? All I can say is WOW.:happy: I love growing kava.(y) I love to share it with the world too but I think I might have to say I really love drinking it :hungry: Aloha.



Kava Lover
I must try papa ele ele pu'u pu'u if only because of the impressive number of syllables in it's name ::chugger::
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