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Kava Preparation Homemade Instant Kava - Construction

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
So, I'm ready to move up and make a powdered instant kava which I can store indefinitely and can make large batches of whatever type I want to use. This also opens the door to custom blended batches.
First step was I selected an evaporator plate from an ice machine. This is our family's line of work, so everything was scrap items. The plates are used to evenly disperse refrigerant vapor over all parts of the coil to freeze an ice cube. These fail (the grids detach from the copper subsurface) and we had tons of them around. So I found the one with the most loose dividers. Below is an example of how the lines on the back of the plate are fused to the copper subsurface and allow for efficient heat transfer. Mines a bit smaller due to countertop space.

This is the plate I selected below.

The difficult part was removing the copper dividers, but after 3 or so hours they're all out.

After removal comes the task of sanding down any left over solder points. Another hour later and i'm left with an almost usable surface

This is the surface I will be using to dry out my kava down to instant. You can carefully regulate the temperature of the water circulating in the lines behind the plate so you wont scorch or kill off any kavalactones. I'm thinking if I keep the temp at 100 degrees F I should avoid most of those things. The next step will be coming up with a hot water source or a circulating pump so I don't dump hundreds of gallons of water down the drain. Oh don't worry about the hole in the center, I'll silicone that in.


Kava Enthusiast
This is the type of scenario where a kudos or reputation system would totally be in order. I can only tip my hat to you and say: onward kava enthusiast. If you get this system down and in running order perhaps you could become the new maker of various instants. I congratulate your zeal and ingenuity and wish you the best of luck.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Yep, the plate heats up when I run hot water through the coil which is soldered to the back. The good thing about it is the plate will never get hotter than the water that's circulating. Just acquired my hot water source. 

Now all I need is a circulating pump.


Kava Lover
You should definitely start selling instant kapm, it would be amazing to have an instant of your fav kava or an awesome blend

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Got the circulating pump! Now I just have to connect everything together. We'll see about selling anything when I can tell how long it takes to make a batch. I might just find out why it's so expensive. When I have it all together I'll be documenting that process here.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Très chic, très hip, très sexy!

Instant kava on tap whenever you want? Yes please! *mind blown*

I hope you can get it to work the way you plan.


Kava Lover
Is most instant kava just the juice from the root, as in they take the fresh roots and run them through a juicer and evaporate that? Or is it just pre prepared kava that has been dehydrated?


Kava Enthusiast
Usually instant kavas are just dehydrated kava juice. I was reading about a company in Vanuatu that make it from fresh root using rainwater and spray dries the grog until it forms a perfect powder. All of the good instants like BKH's instant green or N@H's shaman is made the same way. There are some less reputable vendors who just sell micronized kava as instant, but none of the ones here. Making your instant is an awesome idea.

I was thinking that a simpler way to go about it would be just to a get a couple heating mats used for starting seeds. They can be gotten at any local nursery supply store for relatively cheap. There is usually a buffer of soil and pots between the mat and even then it raises the temperature 10-20 degrees. I imagine just putting a pyrex casserole dish on top of it would make a good 90 plus degree surface that would heat evenly and not burn. Then adding a small fan blowing on it in a confined space with dehumidifier would work pretty well.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
That was my first idea. And in fact was going in that direction until all my supplies suddenly magically appeared. My family has quite the stockpile of random items.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder

After many hours of sanding and polishing the plate is now usable. I'm just waiting on PEX tubing to connect to the hot water heater and supply my water circulating pump.

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
Genius fella isn't he? Cant wait to see you try to make some Instant Paradise Kava!

We'll sponsor Kava powder of course...

We cannot legally sell the Fijian but let me tell you that is my absolute favorite batch of Fijian Kava ever. 10-15 friends and I been drinking copious amounts of it. Sucked up a pound the other night alone.

All of us are still alive as far as I know, so lab results should be positive (smiley: laugh)

THIS batch of South Fijian would make the ultimate instant!

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I've had help! Some very mechanically minded people have been pushing me in the right direction. The theory works out, so I'm hoping I can make some sweet instants. It may be blasphemous but I think I'm going to try to bring a batch of fresh down to instant. We'll see how that goes. I still have a bag of Fijian from you which will be made up too. I will definitely make Instant Paradise Awa for sure.
Learned something from History Channel last night. That being that copper is a strong natural anti-bacterial surface, and even kills most types of common flu viruses. So not only will the instant hopefully work out as planned it will also be quite sterile as well. Win-Win
Also here's Wikipedia's write-up about copper and its properties on being anti-bacterial. 

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Well the pieces are all still in the same place. I've had a pretty busy week but I plan to tackle it tomorrow and this weekend. I have polished the plate a few more times for good measure. Should be seeing some sort of result here soon!

uuku pi

Kava Enthusiast
The pea wishes she could do these things!! But I hope to get some of your wonderful Fijian Adil!!!! Your Kava is really the best!!! No Gag Kava !!! Waiting for funds. Going to start selling my stuff on Etsy,so I will have some more money. Thanks to Krunkedout I now know about Etsy:) Everything to do with Kava and also you human beings on this forum has been a huge help to me. Thank you all so much for being alive:)