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How much is your monthly kava bill? (guestimate)

Steve Mariotti

Kavapithecus Krunkarensis
Review Maestro
I used to be about $250, but then after finding my stride I spend probably about $100 a month now. I find it doesn't take much once you're past the experimentation phase. I just get what I like in rotation. :)

August West

Kava Enthusiast
I personally buy maybe 6 pounds a year. I have two friends that buy it now and I toss em money when I bum an ounce here and there. That's about 30 bucks a month, between the missus and I.

We usually buy a pound and it's gone in 2-3 weeks. A month or two later, we do it again. We don't drink alcohol, so we treat ourselves with kava occasionally. I used to drink a lot more.


Kava Enthusiast
Still trying to find the perfect rotation. I was starting to think I was consuming way too much until I came across this thread. $75 but starting to want to make stronger batches and have a noon sesh as well. I just recently had my first bad dehydration experience the morning after so I'm sorta shy now, but with a greater respect for the root. I need to find a way to combat the dehydration.