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Introducing a friend to Kava


Kava Curious
Hello there,

Tonight I'm going to introduce my friend to kava. I'm not sure what he's expecting, but I tried to indicate that this is not likely to blow his head off. :)

Anyway, I'm looking for some advice. Considering that I haven't drank it in a long time either, how much powder should I use, and what strain? I only have some Malekula Magic, which isn't too strong if I recall and Tanna Marang, which I feel to be much stronger but also more eager to cause discomfort. I'm leaning toward Marang at the moment.

So how do you guys do this? :)


Kava Enthusiast
I think you're leaning the right way - if he's never had kava, then a stronger strain (and mix) will give him a better idea of what he is trying.
Having said that, in 20+ years of drinking I have tried to introduce kava to dozens of friends, with only one of them taking it up (a Mormon who didn't drink booze and needed an alternative that wasn't banned by his boss).
I think it takes time for people to discover kava, but a decent strength kava will at least give a good first impression. And Tanna kava is excellent.


Kava Curious
Thanks for the advice.

Unfortunately, the kava caused some major nausea for him which resulted in puking and he didn't feel it much either. I was afraid of something like this, especially since he doesn't have a very strong stomach.
Guess I'm continuing my kava journey alone.


Kava Curious
Most of the people I've introduced to kava have had this same reaction. That makes coming here and conversing with all you kavasseurs that much more special.
That puts me at ease a little, maybe it wasn't me who screwed up the mix and dosage then.
Give your friend Tongan kava, or blow ridiculous amounts of money on instant kava.
I don't think he is eager to try ever again. :) But I've been meaning to try some micronized, maybe once I'm close to finishing my current stash.
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Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
I think kava is something you have to really want. I was getting to the point that I was dreading social situations and even weekends because I just knew I would drink way too much alcohol and probably end up doing something embarrassing, stupid or both. Kava has been a real life line for me, I wanted it to work for me enough that I didn't care what it tasted like. Is your friend in a similar situation? Most people probably won't break through the taste, nausea, etc without a real need or desire to.


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
@Shantu Yes, thankfully it has completely changed my life. I don't miss the hangovers, guilt, weight gain, etc, etc at all. The bonus is that I can actually drink alcohol now without going over the top. It would be great if we could get the whole world on kava, imagine how many fewer murders, rapes and early deaths there would be. I don't think it's going to work like that though. Never mind, more for us :)


All Hail Leon
I posted something similar in my thread http://kavaforums.com/forum/threads/kava-spending-and-introducing-friends-to-kava-poll.6516/

I would recommend starting off with Paradise's extract first. No one I've ever given it to has had any bad experiences. I about twenty people or so, so far. Except a few of them got surprised as to how numbing it was. You'll get passed RT way faster imo and then you can have a shell or two.
Apparently Paradise has discontinued their extracts. :( Just fyi...