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Kalm or N@H: Which has most bang for my buck?

Johnny Frye

It's all about supply and command
So I'm relatively new to Kava, just recently broke my RT after a solid month of drinking (and MAN is it nice). I ran out of kava a few days ago so I'm about to place a large order that'll hopefully last me a few weeks. I want to get as much high-potency root as $145 will buy.

Should go with Kalm with Kava? They seem to have the lowest price per pound of the well-reviewed vendors. On the other hand, I'm really excited to try Stone from N@H that everyone raves about, but would I get less "bang for your buck" ordering 3lbs of Stone than 4-5lbs of Kalm's Borogu or Pouni Ono?

Thanks! Peace out fellows ::awesomesmiles::
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Kava Curious
get a pound of each....they are all really different but try drinking the same one at least a week or so before deciding how you feel about it in my opinion.


Kava Curious
i recomend kalms borogu usually for kava beginners for consistency of effect and palatability....it's a pretty typical good noble at a good price right now.