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Kalm with kava - borongoru question!


Kava Curious
Hi! After reading some reviews I bought this and tried it for thr first time last night. I followed the instructions and added about 3tbsp in my strainer bag to 8oz of hot water, let it steep 5 min and then kneaded it for 10 min, strained and chilled. I drank it and felt nothing at all besides numb lips and throat for a few min. Tried it again an hour later, same thing.. It definitely tasted stronger as I was gagging trying to get the whole 8 oz down and again nothing but numb lips and throat. What am I doing wrong here? Any help would be appreciated! I've heard this is a great type so I don't think the kind I bought is the issue?


Hello @Nicole
Make sure to have an empty stomach. If you eat dinner and drink Kava after you may get nothing no matter how much you drink!
Try to leave 3-6 hours since last food intake for maximum effect.

Another thing is to drink quickly. Don't sip it like a beer. Chug it down.

Another thing I remember is from a previous new member who had issues for a month is to really squeeze the bag. Don't go lightly on that strainer. You should have finger fatigue at the end. Squeeze the life out of the Kava.

Also depending on which brand and which product: you may have to use more. I use more than 3 tbl spoons most nights. With Borongoru try 3-4 heaping tablespoons. If all the advice is followed you should have a noticeable effect and you can judge from there if you need to increase the amount.


Kava Curious
Ok great, thank you! Going to try again. How many ounces should I be drinking? Is chugging the 8 oz with 3-4 tbsp enough?


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
Nicole, it sounds like your prep is fine, so if you're not getting the effect you want, in addition to what @EQ said about empty stomach, you may want to try increasing it a tbsp at a time until things happen. The amount of liquid is not really important, just the amount of powdered kava used.


For me, this is a weak Kava.
I thought the same at one point but realised it isn't that it is weak but the effects do not linger. This Kava has the least hangover effects for me, and feel refreshed 2 hours after drinking. It is a good balanced Kava. Perfect for daytime upliftment, a night glorified under city lights, or a mountain venture.

Not too strong, and not weak. If you want a weak Kava go for a brand that is known for being weak.

Borongoru is not advertised to knock your head off, and isn't what Kava represents in it's entirety. KWK sells Loa Waka and that can have you stumbling into walls. Different strains for different purposes, but it is not weak.