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Kalm with Kava Mix


Kava Enthusiast
Check this out. I mixed Kalm with Kava with my regular brew. Then all hell broke loose because of what i said. I said:

are you ready for it?

"Hey, that's pretty good."

Never said that before with Kava. Noooope. I usually say something like HJGljhgsdafhdfosifaskjflg...but not this time. Kalm has a seriously strong kava flavour killing ...um ....flavour. Mix it!


Kava Enthusiast
Wow, never thought of that. I usually just add some orange juice for when i want a little better tasting grog but that sounds great. I'll have to try that some time soon when I get some more kalm with kava. I might actually enjoy the taste of my dirty pond water now instead of guzzling it down as fast as possible.
Thanks for the idea skywalker!


Kava Lover
Yeah it does wonders. I had 3/4 bottle of Kalm left after I made my mom try it. So I just popped a tbsp of mahakea micro in it, shook and took flight.