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Kava And A Pesky Cough


Kava Enthusiast
Kava has really helped me get rid of a pesky cough I've had today. Never thought about it being able to help suppress a cough before but it sure does help. it also helps with numbing a sore throat, although I don't have one. Just another great medicinal benefit of kava.


Kava Enthusiast
Me too - I have had a sore throat this week which gets worse through the day but quickly gets better when I start my evening kava session. I also have a knee injury which stops hurting when I drink kava in the evening, with relief lasting most of the next day.
I can't think of any reason ever to stop.

Deleted User01

I can still hear Chris's (@Gourmet Hawaiian Kava ) admonition to me when I was asking some silly question, "Deleted User01, Kava is an anti-inflammatory". And so I guess it could help a sore throat. Hell, maybe it's good for the heart too. I know alcohol is an inflammatory by comparison. FYI, when I took up Kava, then I gave up Advil. Sometime I think Advil is a placebo anyway.