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Kava and Antibiotics (Tis the Flue Season)

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Kava Enthusiast
That doesn't sound too good :(
I hope your situation will improve and you'll get these nasty infections fewer and fewer in the coming years!
I was giving you "the lecture" not to disrespect or because i believe i can judge your situation better than you, but because antibiotic resistancies are growing at an alarming rate and they're not really making new ones because there is no profit in them.

Deleted User01

Yiki, I appreciate you bringing up that point. And in reality, I haven't had this type of infection for a few years. Like I said, stay away from people and don't drink out of glasses at bars and restaurants. My wife insists that everyone use a straw when we go to restaurants. One day I sat at a bar and I saw how they washed the glasses (they didn't) and then it dawned on me how come I always got sick when I went to Happy Hour. And I am well aware that we as Americans abuse antibotics and they we end up inadvertently creating "super bugs". So I only use them when I gots to use them. Sometimes I think that if I could stay in bed and rest then I might not need them. But that's not the case. So no Kava for me till Sunday. Then it's beddy bye time.


Is there death before life?
"While I don't doubt that parasites can cause serious issues in susceptible individuals, and some parasites serious problems in most people, I think there is more to the huge increase we've been seeing in mood disorders. I believe many of the cofounding factors are quite modern, like generations of prenatal and lifelong exposure to thousands of substances, many of which are byproducts of manufacturing processes and commercial agriculture. We really haven't seen yet what long term effects all these substances are having on the population, except we do know that many of them are neurotoxic and create synergistic effects with others in the body."

Violet, I agree also on that post.
My point on parasites is that most think they are large enough to see, which is not the case; Take Toxoplasmosis for example.
I think a large amount of problems "both mental and physical" are a combo of enviromental influences, parasites, and imbalances.

Such as how Deleted User01 has kinda struck on, about the overgrowth of Candidias and antibiotics.
I would have to respectfuly disagree with the notion of needing antibiotics so quickly, because of the overgrowth that occurs.
After that, its just a vicious cycle that is never ending until the subject has a "a-hah" moment.
Heavy metal toxicity would also be on my list of those enviromental inflences.

This leads me to one thing that I have thought of recently though.
I am curious to know the water source of dehydrated kavas?

Deleted User01

I respectfully submit that you guys are missing my point. I cannot afford to wait for the infection to crawl into my chest and then totally incapacitate me. With my respiratory history, I have to get ahead of the potential train wreck and take measures to insure that I don't get the infection. I'm not going to throw the dice and say, "Well, it's only a virus and it should go away soon." I can't afford to take that gamble.

As far as theories about the abundance of mood disorders, it's pretty simple for me. Life goes at a very, very fast pace nowadays. There is hardly any time for downtime. We don't have time to lay around the house on Saturdays like we did in my dad's time and watch 4 hour baseball games while taking a snooze. The fast pace of life is overwhelming for many. It's a rat race and the rats are winning. And so that is what brought me to Kava. The Kava speaks to you. The Kava says, "Buddy, you are going to get your downtime whether you like it or not."


Do all things with love
@Deleted User01 I can feel ya'. I used to get the flu each year, but usually in spring. Then 3 years in a row, that flu became bronchitis, 2 of those years pneumonia too. Definitely not fun times. After that I started getting flu vaccines each year, had never had one before. They must work for me, or I've just been lucky not to catch any flu. I've vastly improved my health and nutrition since then, and decided this year to not get a flu vaccine *fingers crossed*

Deleted User01

Ok, so I'm not the only one that sees a virus quickly turn into full blown infection. And I guess we could also argue about the danger of the flu vaccine but people at risk should get it for sure. Yes Violet, when I'm running and walking and watching my diet, it really helps to stave off respiratory problems. But this year, something snuck up on me. Good luck and don't forget to use a straw to drink out of restaurant glasses or better yet, order a throw away. And please stay away from children with runny noses. Lord how many times have I seen a child with a runny nose which turns into a full blown infection for the unlucky adult.


Do all things with love
Yes, I think sometimes you just have to pick your poison. It's been a number of years since I've had much more than a cold, so I'm hoping staying on top of ample sleep and nutrition will be enough from here on out, and I'm even planning to start intentionally exercising this month. Kids are very adept at spreading germs around, but I have an almost-3 year old, so we'll get to see if he brings any fun stuff home from preschool, so far so good. It freaks me out a little bit to eat in restaurants, especially at this time of the year. I always feel like I'm rolling the dice on catching some kind of bug. Something else that can really help is to be mindful of the touching of one's face/rubbing eyes etc. A lot of stuff gets an easy pass in like that.

Deleted User01

I have a brother in law that they nickname "Howard Hughes". It works with kids at an elementary school. He always carries a box of those disinfectant wipies. He uses them religiously. May not be a bad idea to be like "Howard Hughes" during the Flu Season. So if you can't keep your hands off your face, then just disinfectant your hands every time you shake hands or whatever. I'm sure your extended family will be overjoyed to see you clean your hands every time they touch you. lol.

I still maintain that the paperboy got sick (he has been late with the paper) and I probably got it when I took the wrapper off the paper and then promptly rubbed the sleep out of eyes. Oops.


Kava Lover
Anyone know if augmentin/amoxiclavin is safe with kava? I drank kava this afternoon and got my script today and took a pill. So far I am OK. I will use kava sparingly if it is OK but it is helping dry my sinuses out and lift my mood at work considerably
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