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Kava before or after brushing your teeth?


Kava Curious
Well as the title said it do you drink kava before or after you brush your teeth? does it make a difference with the effects as some is subliminally (think thats the word) absorbed? and whats it like for oral hygiene?

Deleted User01

I don't know about anyone else but some Kavas make be run to the bathroom and wash out my mouth after chugging a shell. That doesn't seem to diminish the effect of the Kava at all. I don't know if you are searching for the word sublingually as in absorption under the tongue but I still think Oral Hygiene will not effect the Kava.


Kava Curious
Oh I also meant for health with teeth cause I usually drink kava before I go to bed, and yes that was the word
I was looking for.

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Deleted User01

I don't think it matters when you brush your teeth as far as Kava Effects go. If it were me, I would do it after I drink the Kava and get rid of the unwanted taste and maybe even some of the Kava Grit that might cling to your teeth.


Kava Curious
Yeah but do you do it for the taste or because the kava drink isn't good to sit in your mouth overnight cause I don't mind the flavour and brushing my teeth is something that wakes me up ( bad insomnia) and if I can avoid having to do so after kava then the better but I would much prefer to have a healthy mouth.
I'm not sure cause kava is anti bacterial isn't it so it shouldn't produce stuff in the mouth?

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