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Kava Recipe Kava Chocolate Mint Soda (the lite version, no ice cream)


Deleted User01

So I remember enjoying ice cream sodas at the drugstore in the old days. It was only chocolate syrup, soda water (plain), and ice cream. I also love that Chocolate Chip Mint Ice Cream or dark chocolate that is mint flavored. I was going to use ice cream in this recipe but decided I wanted something lighter. This is very experimental:

Kava Chocolate Mint Soda (the lite version, no ice cream).

3 oz of milk
add 1 big old spoon of Kava Instant, I used Honokane Iki.
Stir Well.
Add a few squirts of Chocolate Syrup.
Add a spoon of Condensed Mild for the Sweetness.
A tiny drop of mint extract.
Fill with plain Soda Water and Ice.

It tastes really good if you like those flavor combos. You can experiment with other types of extracts. My next challenge will be a chocolate soda made with grog.