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Kava in tupperware?


Kava Curious
Hey, so all the large bowls I use to make kava in are somehow all in the dishwasher (thanks to my family's eating habits). So I was wondering if it is acceptable to use a rubbermaid holding container to use in replacement? Is it safe using the plastic and whatnot


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
I don't see why not, i mean other than it might be uncomfortable kneading in there or likely to spill. but nothing dangerous.


Kava Enthusiast
That should be fine - I often use plastic bowls for prep when the Mrs is using all the glass ones for food. Most nakamals in Vila use empty 20 litre plastic paint containers.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
I didn't even realize tupperware included bowls. Somehow in my mind it's those rectangular containers with lids. But yeah, that should be totally fine.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
ive stained some tupperware yellow from repeated use, so the biggest risk is a scolding from your wife.
i personally stopped using tupperware cuz it often has a small, hard to clean curved rim around the top
and i got neurotic about bacteria thriving in there. now i only use simple easy to clean designs.


Kava Curious
Woohoo! It was much easier to knead with smaller amounts of water as compared to a larger bowl. The only problem I can see happening is my tupperware turning yellow. Not all that big of a deal though, I can live through it.