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Kava's musical score.


kavas has decided to grace me with a lovely melody of beeeeeeeep for the first time tonight. Odd it must also be the kava that makes me not annoyed by it as if I had this any other time it would drive me nuts...


I'm interested in things
kavas has decided to grace me with a lovely melody of beeeeeeeep for the first time tonight. Odd it must also be the kava that makes me not annoyed by it as if I had this any other time it would drive me nuts...
rrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiinngg <== ears ringing


Kava Enthusiast
I havent had the ringing happen to me yet, but it seems quiet common for it to happen if your doing alot of kava!
Usually around the "krunked" dose Im guessing? Although I havent ever been krunked in my eyes, or had my ears ringing...
Im sure I'v been fairly close to it lol...practice becomes perfect :)


Kava Enthusiast
Wow! I thought I was the only one! That's how I can tell it's really starting to kick in, when my ears
start ringing. It almost seems like the ringing is just slightly outside my head, if that makes any sense.

I have tinnitus anyway (had it since I was 5) but this is different -- almost soothing.


I'm interested in things
Interestingly, there was a former member here who suffered from tinnitus, and said that kava was the only thing that caused it to stop. When I was a child, my hearing was more sensitive to high pitched sounds (like everyone's was), and that was a long time ago, when televisions still had vacuum tubes. I could hear this high pitched whining whenever the TV was on. I realized later that my parents and other adults could probably not hear that sound. Anyway, I have not had tinnitus, but I imagine it would sound kind of like that vacuum tube whining sound, and see how it could be quite annoying if you heard it all the time. The "ear-ringing" from kava is kind of like that, but it is not annoying at all.


Kava Enthusiast
It does sound similar to that tube noise, but not as obnoxious, as least not to me. The kava version is "softer".