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Kavas with "5" chemotype in 3rd position...I LOVE them!


Kava Curious
Been noticing two of my favorite kavas of late have a chemotype of 2-4-5. They are both Solomon Kavas from Kava Depot. I find all of their products really good, but have been particularly into the Solomon Chief and Solomon Gold. I know '5' to be one of the more controversial compounds as it is associated with tudei kava. But i am curious if anyone else finds these types of Kavas to slap hard and last much longer than more typical 4-2-3 or 4-6-2 types of kava? Anyone notice negative effects from these?

I feel only a slight hangover with these but thats partly because i drink them late at night as they are quite sedative. Also my 2 year old waking me up multiple times through the night definitely creates a 'hangover'. That said, i dare say i enjoy the 'kava hangover' it kinda just feels like waking up still buzzed, maybe a little groggy but nowhere near even a sleeping pill hangover and not in the same universe as an alcohol hangover.. Anyway, if you want a heavy kava that lasts through the night i highly recommend these two from kava Depot.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
I tend to prefer stuff with 5 in the 3rd or 4th position too...definitely makes for a more full and noticeable experience.
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The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder

I'm kidding of course. My favorite kavas when I first started drinking were the ones with DHM as far forward as possible. Over the years I've settled into kavas opposite of that, but it's just because my taste for effects has changed over the years.