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Looking for undeniably heady but not at all stimulating kavas (similar to AoK's Kelai)


Kava Curious
Not a new member, but this is the one subforum where I can ask for recommendations on a certain type. I know I've sung my praises for AoK's Kelai before, but seriously, it's sort of this anomaly in that it is the only undeniably heady kava that I've had that has no stimulation, which they even list in their product discription as a selling point. Every other heady or heady-leaning varieties I've tried have some level of stimulation to them, even other vendors' Kelai (granted I've only had one other). This is a problem for me as I am overly sensitive to stimulants, so that even the ones with gentle stimulation are still uncomfortable and mostly negate all of the feel good relaxing properties of kava. But I absolutely love all the other aspects of heady kavas. It helps me reach my desired result of quieting my mind from overthinking and intrusive thoughts and (social) anxieties without retreating within myself and feeling incredibly introverted better than balanced or heavy. But, like I said, AoK's specific Kelai is the only cultivar I know that gives me a pure heady without any stimulation. So I want to know, are there any others out there like this (pure heady but with no stimulation)? If so, I would love to try them.

Heady/heady-leaning blends and cultivars I've already tried that were stimulating (for me):
Pouni Ono
Happy Fijian (Kava Mama)
White Sand
Kava Tonga (Kavafied)
Squanch Lawena
Manga Ono
Samoa Ava
Gourmet Savusavu Waka
Taveuni's Secret


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
This is my anecdotal opinion, ...and chemotypes aren't always a perfect indicator, but I think you'd wanna be looking for kavas that are low in yangonin(3), low in DiHydroMethysticin(5) and the chemotype probably shouldn't start with DiHydroKavain(2).

I'd suggest you run through all the Hawai'ian 'awas, but they aren't available as often as they used to be. You can check www.gourmethawaiiankava.com and see if anything is in stock at the moment. There are also Fijian kavas that might work for you...and you might just need to make weaker batches or buy weak kava on Amazon, it might end up being perfect for you.