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Micronized KVK Vula Waka


Hey all,

I tried 2tsp of KVK Micro Vula Waka the other day, did not feel much (except a numb mouth :D). I am thinking of trying more tonight (maybe up the dose to 4tsp). Anyone had any experience with the Vula Waka specifically? I'm someone who suffers from bouts of insomnia due to not being able to shut that damn brain off! I find herbal stuff helps me well, like valerian, passionflower, skullcap, etc. But I'm really interested in getting into Kava! I bought 8oz of the micronized vula waka soooo I want to put it to good use. Any advice would be appreciated!

Also - I mixed it into OJ because I didn't really have anything better. The taste was not pleasant. What do you guys mix micro into?


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
I just bought 1.8 kilos of that one, no point messing about... I tried it for the first time on Friday night and liked it. I drink kava every day so probably need less but I found 2 tbsps in 500 ml of water/milk split into 2 shells did me fine. Relaxing and mildly sedating, good stuff, I also found it extremely mild in taste. Try it in plain water and just get to like the taste but then try it with half water half milk, that should kick the effects up a notch.