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Mongrel Grog Questions


Kava Curious
Greetings from the US Midwest.
I have a few questions about making Mongrel Grog. My prep method for the first wash is as follows:
-35 to 40 grams dry powder
-3.5 cups (850mL) water, 150F
-blended 3 minutes
-kneaded 7 minutes

That’s how I plan to make my grog each time. I plan on drinking kava once per week.

Two simple questions:
1. Given my prep method, is a second wash worth it, or have I cashed out the KL’s too hard on the first wash?
2. To make another 3.5 cups of viable frog from the frozen makas, how many grams (measured in original dry weight before the first wash) would I need to accumulate?

thanks in advance. I’ve been researching posts on here, Reddit and YouTube. So far the quantities of makas and water needed are larger than my needs. I did see somebody talk about 6tbsp frozen makas (I’m assuming original dry weight?) on 3 cups hot water, blended.
I guess in the end I will just have to experiment. Maybe I’ll make 3 regular first washes, totaling ~100g of frozen makas (not including water weight), and see if that yields a good 4th session (4th session of the month). Tell me if that sounds reasonable.


Kava Enthusiast
I only made it one time, using 200g of frozen makas. I usually do two washes for 40-50g 600-800ml water in total (split in half). So they root was probably quite spent already. When i used the makas to make grog, could squeeze maybe another weak session out of it but it was mostly relaxing kavalactones left over.


Kava Curious
I only made it one time, using 200g of frozen makas. I usually do two washes for 40-50g 600-800ml water in total (split in half). So they root was probably quite spent already. When i used the makas to make grog, could squeeze maybe another weak session out of it but it was mostly relaxing kavalactones left over.
200 grams of frozen makas, or 200 grams worth of original dry weight kava powder?


I don’t have the exact measurements in grams but know how many teaspoons I used. For Mongrel grog, I froze 7 tablespoons of kava that I used twice. I made 4 mason jars of kava from the frozen makas and had a good experience. The key for me was how much water I used. I used 12 OZ for the 1st wash, 8 for the rest. It worked well and I like being able to make the most of my kava. My frozen makas come from different kava strains. When they all mixed up in the mongrel grog, it makes for a unique effect.


Kava Enthusiast
Definitely save then rebrew roots. It is worthwhile! My estimate is half your starting dry weight equivalent. 35-40g dry brew may be rebrewed once for a kava feeling and tasting like 17.5 to 20g dry.

If you have 200g frozen, rebrew it five times in a row, less water each time. Combine all if you can. Drink quickly. Get your all out of those roots!