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N@H Stone


Kava Curious
I decided to try it again (against my better judgement) and it was fine. Is it possible there was one unscrupulous farmer?


The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I decided to try it again (against my better judgement) and it was fine. Is it possible there was one unscrupulous farmer?

With the source for stone, and in all reality: No. They test the kava BEFORE it leaves Vanuatu on the exporter's side and AFTER it lands in the US on the vendor's side. Of all the kava's you can select, this might be one of the only ones you can be sure you're getting what the lab tests are saying you're getting, extremely noble lateral root kava.


Thank God!
There was one batch a few years ago that made me groggier the next day than usual. Right now, I'm in an Isa frame of mind, so okay with heavy.