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New member here, a few questions about kava!


Kava Curious
So I've read up quite a bit on using kava and I have a few questions!

1. I read about this reverse tolerance. How long does it normally last, and should I use daily until it ends.

2. How much is a normal dose of fresh ground kava powder? I expect I'll be buying the medium coarse powder and running it through a ball to get my "grog"

3. I work 3rd shift and unfortunately use alcohol as a crutch to get to sleep.....I would like to quit this habit altogether, hopefully with the help of kava!

4. Where is the best deal? I am on a strict budget and I'd like to find the best kava (bulk to save money in the long run) but do not want to end up with a bad product.

Thanks! Hope to be around here for awhile!


The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
So I've read up quite a bit on using kava and I have a few questions!
Welcome to kavaforums! Glad to have you with us :)

1. I read about this reverse tolerance. How long does it normally last, and should I use daily until it ends.
Reverse tolerance may be experienced by some people who start drinking kava. If it does happen with you, it usually takes somewhere around 1 week, to 1 month to break through the reverse tolerance stage (At least it did for me). Second part of your question, yes. Keep drinking it daily until you feel kavas full effects.

2. How much is a normal dose of fresh ground kava powder? I expect I'll be buying the medium coarse powder and running it through a ball to get my "grog"
Normal dose for prepping medium grind powder ranges anywhere from 20 or so grams, up to 60 or higher. I would suggest a 25-30 gram serving. Seems to be a good amount to really feel kava without being overwhelmed. With the Aluball anything over 20 or so grams and I've discovered the center of the ball will be completely dry after you shake it.

3. I work 3rd shift and unfortunately use alcohol as a crutch to get to sleep.....I would like to quit this habit altogether, hopefully with the help of kava!
Welcome home! I use kava to sleep every single night, and have been for the past decade. You can quit the alcohol. You wouldn't believe how many similar stories to yours we share here.

4. Where is the best deal? I am on a strict budget and I'd like to find the best kava (bulk to save money in the long run) but do not want to end up with a bad product.
Thanks! Hope to be around here for awhile!
I've fought that battle for quite a while trying to see what kind is cheaper over the other. In my view, it's almost impossible to beat micronized kava in terms of kava that stretches the longest. Gourmet Hawaiian Kava's medium bogoruru is one of the cheapest, best medium grind kavas around at $40 a lb. It's my daily drinker, and I love it.


Kava Curious
Thanks for the reply!

So micronized kava is like an instant kava? No need for the prep like coarse ground? Or I still need to get the ball or a pair of panty hose to prep it?

And also I see a lot of people sung milk to prepare a drink with.....does this potientiate the kava or is it just to help with the strong flavor?

Deleted User01

Welcome to the forum! I used to drink every day until I switched to kava. I wasn't an alcoholic but I knew drinking everyday was bery, bery bad for me. For Sleeping, I use the Nene from Gourmet Hawaiian Kava. I still drink about 2 or 3 times a week but in moderation. The difference on those nights is amazing. On my alcohol nights, I pass out on the couch snoring with an audio book plugged into my ear and I have no desire to work out. On my kava days, I "relax" on the couch listening to my audiobook and watching the San Antonio Spurs Reserve Team beat the crap outta the competition. lol. But I also get out the Yoga mat and do some core exercises and stretching exercises. Once I get too bed and close my eyes, then the Kava takes over and says, 'Let's Ride'. And thus ensues a magic carpet ride full of peaceful contented wonderment. Wonderment you say? Geez, some of those dreams were put together by a master artist who picks people and events at random from my biography and puts them all together in a fusion of confusion. :D

Deleted User01

As an expert on Micronized Hawaiian Kava (that's all I do), I would say it has the ease of instant but the potency of Powder. I stick a tablespoon in a small dixie cup with water and gulp twice. It's very convenient for me.

Deleted User01

One more thing. The Nene Kava is very mild tasting put potent. In Lab Tests, it rates as the most noble of kavas which means it is as safe as it comes. The Hawaiian Islanders often spoke of using it on "a fretful child". Perhaps a sick child where sleep may help the healing process. Don't forget that other Kavas like Mo'i are more stimulating/heady and very good in social situations. Like when you have to go to that Anniversary Party for your In-Laws. Yeah, it's that good. :LOL: You can ask the gang around here for their favorite sleepy time kavas and heady/social type kavas.

Deleted User01

I'm trying to weight a tablespoon but no 2 scales match. One says 6.6 gms and the other says .2 lbs. I'm going with 34 doses for .5 pound.
Somebody please check this out if they can.


Kava Curious
So I've narrowed it down to 2 choices

BHK bogoguru as suggested, and Fiji loa waka from kalm by kava

The Fiji has rave reviews and people are saying how super strong it is, so at $12 more for a lb I would be getting more bang for my buck it seems....they both sound like what I'm looking for.....and body have any experience with the latter?

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
So I've narrowed it down to 2 choices

BHK bogoguru as suggested, and Fiji loa waka from kalm by kava

The Fiji has rave reviews and people are saying how super strong it is, so at $12 more for a lb I would be getting more bang for my buck it seems....they both sound like what I'm looking for.....and body have any experience with the latter?
I actually just finished off a bag of it last night. I'm going to have to agree Fiji Loa is a good bit more potent. I personally like both of those. So yes, the Fiji will definitely stretch further.


Kava Curious
What are the biggest differences between the 2?

And how many more doses do you think I'll get out of a lb. of med grind Fiji?

Thanks for the help!

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
A major difference between those two is the energy/ type of effects of those two kavas. The Fiji loa Waka is going to be more heady like moi ... not so good for sleeping I'm my opinion.. (I never had loa Waka tho just knowing it's heady ) and boroguru is going to be heavier... I recommend @Gourmet Hawaiian Kava nene or boroguru for sleep

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
I haven't much experience with kalm with kava.
But GHK doesn't grow the fiji or the boroguru... boroguru is vanaautu and Fijians is obviously fijian.
So I don't like to recomend those as a first for his stock .. but they are good and the Fijian is very nice balanced leaning alot toward heady. But I stick to my nene. Mahakea and the occasional hanakapi/hiwa/papa kea

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
The only things I don't enjoy in kava is feeling tweaky... I can handle any other sensation .. I don't mind the nausea, dizziness dryness anything but I don't like antsy feeling... so really that's my aim all the time... I love diversity tho so I'm a sucker for trying stuff... hoping it doesny make me to antsy ..
It seems for me balanced kavas are the best ... too energizing and I get aggressive and annoyed .. too heavy and I don't really feel much... but stuff like mahakea, nene and hiwa/hanakapi/papa kea are all really balanced and I guess that's why I go to them so much.. like today I had some moi and although nice . Its just too jaw locky.. for me, I need somebody to take that edge off or else I can't meditate with kava and If that happens than its pointless to even drink it. Cause then I'm at the whim of my emotions and physical state rather than being untouched spaciousness and being able to give kava something back. Rather than take take take..
Balanced kavas seem to be the most spiritually accessible and least likely for side effects