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New term "got my cheif on"

Jake o Links

Krunkin with Sasquatch!
sounds like an mj term, I know... but I was just thinking that even a poor folk here lives like a king (cheif) elsewhere... and with this good kava... I got my cheif on. Bar b q on the grill. Wife and kid (the royal family). As temporary as it all is, in this beautiful day, I feel great!
This is just such a wonderful, peaceful, easy feeling... I want a term for it, dang it!:arghh:::awesomesmiles::::orangesmileyz::::winkeyz:::happy:

much love
I mean Jake O Links, sorry!
I'm open to better similar terms, because I know it's been takin by the mj only folks. What would express tribal rpyalty without being overly offensive and still sound good?
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