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New to Kava (Read a bunch and still lost)


Hey everyone I am new here and am looking for some guidance and knowledge about Kava.

I have been reading reviews on products, different Guru sites, different posts here and figured I would just create a thread and ask.

What is the best way or most common way to prepare or take Kava with safety, effectiveness, and taste in mind?

Now I understand this is a very subjective question but here is why I ask. My girlfriend tried Kava once (I believe a tincture drop) and said she really enjoyed the effects she felt from it and would like to try "Kava Tea" with me so I can enjoy it too. Well knowing me I decided to venture out and learn everything and anything I could about Kava so I don't waste my money on things that don't work and spend it on the tried and trues. Also I don't want to be directly causing harm to my body for ignorance on preparation or taking it. I have read how you want something that has Kava Root Extract in it or you're not going to receive the full effects like some powders and pills lack. So I thought hmm.. maybe a tincture would be a great easy method, but I read on here many suggest against it as it is essentially taking drops of everclear and terrible on the body. So I was thinking about just doing the tea then, but people said the heat can burn what you want in your drink. So now I am at a loss and just want to know whats the best method or practice and product to be using for this Kava Expierence. Thanks for all your help in advance!


The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
When it comes to first experiencing kava, the full flavor will probably knock you back a bit. If I had to describe it, to me, kava tastes like a mixture of rubber gloves, mud, and lidocain.

Warm water at about 120° wont harm your kava. In fact it will aid in the extraction process quite a bit.

You're going to need three things.
1.) Quality Kava
2.) Quality Strainer
3.) Elbow grease :)

Quality kava can be found by most of the vendors represented here. My personal suggestion would be Gourmet Hawaiian Kava for the kava, and Bula Kava House for the strainer.

Check out our members submitted prep techniques here.

In terms of safety, please see our "New to kava" tab at the top of the website.


Alright after talking to a member for a little bit I think this is what I am going to go with for me and my girlfriend

Big Kava from Amazon and a
Premium Fine Mesh Food Grade Nut Milk Bag For Almond Milk, Soy milk, 12" x 12"

Possibly going to look into some coconut cups but I think this sounds like a great start! What do you guys think!?


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
Sounds like a plan but don't rule out instant for the first few tries, it's simple and effective. Also I'm going to say what I say to everyone... try it with milk. 2 heaped teaspoons of almost any instant mixed in 200ml of cold milk (I use a shaker bottle) should give you what you need. Cream of Vanuatu from Paradise Kava is awesome in milk.