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On a 3 week course of Bactrim, won't be drinking kava every day but pretty regularly, anyone else have experience?


I like herbs
I'd assume the only real issue might be nausea? Kava nor antibiotics have ever made me feel nauseous except Biaxin but that was more to do with the gross taste in my mouth it gave me. Once I just started chewing some gum it was no problem. I have a chronic infection of my ethmoid sinuses and it was either moxifloxacin for 10 days or Bactrim for 21. Anyone who knows about floxxies knows just how dangerous they are and how badly they can fuck up your body.

I tend to drink like, 40g medium grind when I do have a sesh although I threw a little micronized in there this time. I have 2 pounds coming from FVK tomorrow, Vanatu and Lewena and I was really excited to try them. Finished off my lewena and then I had "old roots" which seems quite impotent I must say. Vanatu is definitely the strongest and Vanatu + Lewena is such a great buzz.

Gotta say the "old roots" is quite weak though.
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