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Quick post about micro and milk


Kava Enthusiast
A recent post was suggesting mixing milk with grog (not a new concept).
This morning I was so in a hurry that I've just bring a 750ml bottle with 2 tbs of strong micro. Usually micro is not funny for my stomac, eveytime, even if the tradeoff worth it.

So I left the house with that 2tbs in let say 175ml of water and shake it up. One hour of driving later I bought a 500ml chocolat milk and added it to my bottle.

Last word: i dont't know if it is just a special case but yeah! It was good tasting, effective and most important very quit on my stamac. So this is just a small testomony


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
Milk is the way. I used to drink milk the next morning and get an uplift from the previous night. So I started mixing with milk and get all the potentiation at the time of drinking. Works great.


Kava Curious
I dunno if I'm weird in this, but I think milk compliments kava really nicely. I mean, it doesn't turn it into a gourmet beverage by any means. But it's a lot more smooth going down.

I also feel it helps bring some of the more subtle relaxing feelings forward. I have trouble when things get too heady (kavain feeling) and adding milk helps partially because I consume slower, but I would not be surprised if some of the more water-soluble kavalactones are being better absorbed and giving a more rounded effect profile.