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Ralphing and rallying, as it were


Kava Curious
Hi all,

I'm getting back into kava after taking a long break, and this will be my second session since starting again. I waited three hours, which is usually how long it takes for my stomach to empty, and proceeded to down a tablespoon of micronized 11-Year Waka in water. Fifteen minutes later, I did the same again and was promptly ill. At the risk of grossing everyone out, it quickly became evident that my stomach had not been empty at all when I started my session. Does anyone have experience with continuing to drink kava after being ill? Is it worth trying to continue my session tonight? Barring any advice to the contrary, I'll probably have at least one more shell. You know, for science.


Kavacidal Maniac
Hmm. I was just asking about less waiting time for food. :oops: That sounds like it might be it, but I'm curious what the pros think.

Hope you feel better before you go for the next ::shell::.


exit stage left
I have done it, but it's not very enjoyable because for me, by the time I get sick I'm already way too krunked. Watch out for dehydration, tossing your cookies can mess up your electrolytes.


Kava Curious
I decided it wasn't worth the nausea and waited for today. I'm also thrilled to report that despite a break of several months, my reverse tolerance has been unaffected. Just a couple tablespoons of BKH's lovely 11-Year Waka and I'm listening to the spirits again.


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
Fortunately I've never had that experience but 15 mins sounds a bit quick to me. I did use to get the clammy, sweaty, shakiness if I drank strong instants too quickly but learned that for me what works is to drink big strong shells and get a wild rush and buzz, then wait an hour before reloading. That way I don't get the shakiness but can keep a good relaxing session going for a good few hours and then crash out for bed. I try and stick to 2 doses per session as if I do any more I tend to get more stomach upset although I have been stretching to 3 on a weekend and dosing up with ginger ale more.

I know what you mean with the question though. Although I've never had the same experience it has happened quite often that I have felt out of sorts without being able to put my finger on why and just felt like kava wouldn't be a good idea even though I really, really wanted to relax with some kava :-(