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Sedating Kava Recommendations


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
Kava Supreme, Real Kava's Vanuatu, BKH MeloMelo (if the current batch is like the 1st batch), Stone and perhaps Fiji Fresh.
Then there are things like Nangol Noble, Fiji Fresh (depending on batch) and Real Kava's 5 Star kava that are quite heavy, but still retain some light uplifting euphoria. If you're willing to try Isa, those will typically always lean heavier than most.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
That's a few picks!
How long lasting are Isas?
Depends on the dosage, the person and how late you drank it...but Isa will typically have a longer lasting sedation. Or possibly an undesirable next-day lethargy or malaise...though some people might experience a next-day 'glow'.


Position 5 Hard Support
Decided I'd go with Supreme. I've actually had it before but I was only just getting into kava when I tried it. Of course, batches differ year by year. I'm hoping it'll play nice with my GHK kavas I currently have!