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Side effects: Bad Digestive Issues

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Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
Just got some 11 year from BKH and was sick the next day with a lot of gas. After a couple of hours after taking it I had to really fight to keep it down, but wow!!! I just bought a cup at Walmart with a little blender ball in it, and I think that I'm going to try shaking vigorously for a couple days when I'm bored and keep it in the fridge. After I think it's ready, I got a fine coffee filter and are going to try to filter out 99% of the root material.
Has anyone ever tried this???
Filter out 99% of the root material and you'll hardly have any kava. Gotta be an extreme lightweight to get effects from anything after that.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
I would recommend getting some medium grind and trying traditional prep if that is the case. I've tried many micronized and every kind of way (strained, not strained) and it just gives me nasty gas.

What you suggest would probably work, but I think you'll have a hard time getting it through a coffee filter. Perhaps a muslin bag, but as shakas says, it will reduce potency a lot

Deleted User01

I use a fine mesh nylon hop bag that they sell at home brew stores. You can dump the 11 year old in there and squeeze and knead it like your would medium grind. That way the Macas get left in the bag. Many members have trouble with those hard fibers and the 11 year old appears to be nothing more than a very fine grind kava complete with all the hard fibers. So just knead it the traditional way.

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
Makas definitely irritates the stomach. Even a few coarse fibers swimming around in your Kava are bound to loosen things up down there.

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
After 4 months of almost daily kava drinking I noticed that I haven't had the runs or loose stool or whatever one wants to call it, not once. Used to happen once or twice a month, I assumed due to a diet very high in fresh vegetables and fruits. Given that it's been 4 months now I'm inclined to think that it was not because of my diet at all but occasional stomach inflammation due to a chronic inflammatory condition I have, and which I think kava has suppressed.

I also haven't been sick in any way, even with winter and spring colds and flu all over the place here in Michigan, which leads me to think kava boosts one's immune system in general.
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