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The Induction of Kava Gurl.


Deleted User01

We had lots of fun this weekend. Saturday was Koniak Madness and Sunday we had fun with Kava recipes.

But today we are here for a more somber occasion, the anointment of Kava Gurl as the Head Cheerleader at the Kava Forums. What can I say folks, she is the original Kava Forum Mama, the supporter of lost causes, and the purveyor of Attaboys.

So KavaGurl, by the power bestowed upon me by the Kapm of this ship, I hearby give you the title of "Head Cheerleader at the Kava Forums". Ok, that's all folks. At the back of the room you will see that Violet has prepared some Kava Punch for you and Chef BulaBuck has made some coconut, macadamia, chocolate chip, ginger infused, Kava induced macarroons.

Time to get back to work.

Deleted User01

Ok, I see that picture. Now we're going to play some Hawaiian Music so you do the Hula. Anyone here play the Ukelele? You go Kurl!
(pssstttt, don't worry guys, she'll fall asleep in a minute now. She must have worked the late shift. Violet, please slowly remove the punch bowl from the room. The cookies can stay. )

Deleted User01

Lol, I got a banner and I have no idea how it got there. I thought the Kava Gods put it there. Bulabuck, talk to the good Kapm.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer