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Time to show Kava Kava R Us some love


Kava Steve

Okay well those of you who have read my past posts you know I love the GHK products especially the nene and hanky pink Ai... the past few weeks I've been playing with kava Kava r us products... definitely love the extract as a quick go to or for sharing with newcomers to kava but lately I've been really loving the calm mate with kava from morning to night, depending on how productive I need to be I will drink more of it.... it has a great energetic effect while relaxing the muscles and relieving pain at the same time... need to keep going but body hurts like hell? drink another cup! Then as I find myself too wired when time for bed I just drink 2 tablespoons of the micronized Lawena and within 15 minutes its off to bed though I do feel I get better sleep quality with GHK none than the lawena I truly love the effect that lawena brings to the table.

bottom line if you have not tried these products yet go order some, you will be pleasantly surprised

Kava Steve

I should probably add that the Mate with Kava muscle relaxing properties make it easy to want to lay around but as long as you get up and start doing something you will find yourself focused on completing the mission with the energy to do so.