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Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
I hesitate to call what I have experienced from kava as tinnitus because it isn't. Tinnitus is an often painful condition which drives people nuts and distresses them. What I got from kava was a pleasant low level hum, like a dynamo, but not at all annoying, just kind of warm and always there, for months. Except now it isn't. I only ever notice it now maybe 3 or 4 times a week, and when I do it is much quieter than it used to me. It's weird both that it just kind of disappeared, but also that I didn't even notice it had disappeared till well after the fact. I was never worried, but I also didn't expect it would be gone by now.


Kava Enthusiast
I get it when I've consumed a significant amount of kava. I agree it's not painful or annoying. It's just there. I've also experienced it in the past (long long ago) when I used to do hard drugs. Back then we called it "hearing the train" and it was considered a sign that you had some good stuff. :woot:

Bubba Bula

krunkadelic relic
I hear it all the time, and it will be the last thing I'll hear when I die. For me its a steady high pitched ringing. Unfortunately for me it is hereditary and its been slowly getting louder over the years. Oh well. Can't do anything about it so bring it on baby.
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