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Kava Curious
When I registered here, I was told that kava did not create tolerance. I did not believe this of course, because I have been told this about other substances before and it was never true in my experience however I must say I am very surprised at how quickly I have built up a tolerance to kava.

WHen I first started, one teaspoon of the 11 year waka was very strong for me and made it hard for me to walk properly. Now I can easily drink 3 tablesppons while at work. In fact, my tolerance has become so high that it is getting to be a problem in terms of costs. Of course when I only needed 1 tsp a day, kava was super cheap. Now I find myself needing 3 or 4 tbs to get a similar effect to what 1 tsp used to do.

I am just wondering what you folks have experienced regarding tolerance and is there any way to prevent it? Like maybe skipping days? I generally use kava 4-6 days a week. Some days I am just not in the mood and don't drink any.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
That's actually quite odd. In the 10 years of daily drinking of kava my usage has actually reduced by about 20 grams while the effects have stayed the same or gotten more pronounced over that time period.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
I think what may happen to some is, when they're new to kava they're a bit apprehensive about dosing and how they might react to it.
If they feel effects at a low dose, they feel comfortable with that...but when they feel completely safe and familiar with that dosage, they'll boost it up and then like the effects from that. It has more to do with comfort and familiarity than actual physical tolerance.
Kava's natural fickleness may also be a culprit. Sometime 6 spoons will hit you hard, other times 8, 10, 12...won't really do it.
Then, sometimes you drink 10 Tbsp daily and switching to 6 spoons works better than the 10 had been.


Kava Curious
Do a bit in the morning and the effects will be greater at night.

I thought that was happening to me but I figured out I wasn't fasting enough. I'd eat and three and a half hours later I'd consume. After waiting that fourth hour it really hits hard lol.