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Tonight's grog recipe!1


Kava Enthusiast
Bula! Shell's up for you and your family. I am having a shell of Squanch tonight. Gratitude to my friend Christopher, who taught me his way of making Squanch. He said stir the Kava in hot water, strain, then squeeze traditionally. So I did. The water was hot so I used my fingers and a wooden spoon. I had been dishwashing prior. I used about 3 Tbsp of root, and a splash of soy milk creamer, so that the extra oils could provide a creamy texture.

Strong shell, squeezed with a double'd cotton cloth for a fine strain. Each step of the process felt right. I love this shell. If there is anything I can do to help you, let me know.
Bula Jesse! I am glad you tried my method. I havent made a shell in a while, but tonight seems right. Itll help with stress and conversation, so it'll be a little weaker than a normal one.


Kava Enthusiast
Thank you for being here Christopher. I'll bring you to more of my recipes. Having black tea today, this week I'll chop fire wood.