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I Love Kava Friday What day is it?

Capitán Bastos

April 15 1959,


I don't know if it was a Friday and this might seem a little random, but this is the one thing I think of when I hear April 15.
A lot of objectively more impactful things have happened on this date and no I wasn't born at the time. I saw this in a documentary years ago and it stuck for some reason.


I'm interested in things
April 15 1959,

View attachment 6006
I don't know if it was a Friday and this might seem a little random, but this is the one thing I think of when I hear April 15.
A lot of objectively more impactful things have happened on this date and no I wasn't born at the time. I saw this in a documentary years ago and it stuck for some reason.
Wow, if that had happened yesterday of this year, it might be the most objectively impactful thing (excluding when the Lateran Council condemned the Council of Hieria and anathematized its iconoclastic rulings in 769)

Actually if Castro's visit was a success it might have been more impactful in fact, but no one would remember it today as being important. People today might not even remember the Cold War happened. You guys remember the Cold War, right? Don't you? I can't be that old.. :unsure: